Wednesday, March 28, 2012


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Everyone is different compared to everyone else. Everyone has there own ideas, talents, abilities, religion, and interests. But really some people get forced in doing something they don’t want to do. But for me I was lucky my mom and dad never once forced me in doing something I really did not want to do. They always said do what you want to do with your life and if you need help on doing it they would try there best to get me were I want to be. The only thing is I would have to practice and work hard to get were I want to get. The only thing my mom and dad really wanted me to do it start going to church and follow in there religion. But a part of being different is also making my own choices I chose not to go to church because I don’t believe that there is a right church or a wrong church I believe that they all have truth they just don’t have the whole truth.

If there could be three words that I could think of to really describe me would be outspoken. I like my words to be herd and when they are not getting herd I get louder and louder till my words get herd and are getting understood. My dad says that I could be a very good lawyer if I tried harder in my schooling only because I like to ague my way out or into things. Another word that could describe me would be trusting only because I do not believe in lying or backstabbing I don’t see the point in doing that type of things to my friends and family. My family and friends are all I got in life and sometimes all I look forward in doing. So why I would never lye or backstab anyone. I mean you would want to treat your friends the way you would want to get treated I mean to say if you were to tell a friend guy/girl a personal story about something that happened you will want to be able to trust him/her with everything you tell them and if you cant trust them then maybe you should not be around them. I would also say that I am a very simple person I am a very understanding person I like to look inside the person then rather on the outside. The inside is what is different and what separates people. The reason I say that is because your out side is just what you were and most of clothing being worn right now are designer clothing witch is coping someone else’s look. But your inside you can not change and its what describes you completely and no one can copy that so that is what makes a person different. I am also a very easy person to talk to I love to listen to other peoples problems and story’s. I enjoy helping then out and giving them new ideas.

In school there is very limited subjects that I enjoy doing. But I do have a course that I enjoy doing. Math would have to be that subject only because I enjoy doing mathematics and solving problems like I said in the above paragraph. I do not really like social only because I do not like remembering dates and names of people that lived years ago. But for my favorite option would have to either me cosmetology and computers. The reason for that is because I enjoy working with my hands. Cosmetology has been one of my desires in life. Ever since I was a younger girl around the age 5 I remember playing with my Barbie’s and doing and designing there hair. That would probably be when I first decided that I wanted to be a hair designer. And the reason for computers is because I enjoy typing to my friends online and also enjoy knowing how they work. To say if I do not become a hair designer I would become a person who designs I computer. When I am around the age of 1 to 0 years old I would like to go to school and in Calgary and do my schooling there for hair and then by the time I am to I would like to have owned my own business and to be able to work and create new designs that are interesting new, simple, creative, wacky but yet interesting. I think that I would want my salon to be something like the Cat walk but yet different. One of my dreams it to become

Famous in hair designing only because like I said I like to be herd and my hairstyles would all reflect on how I am and the way I ask. I would never try to do the same thing to many times unless of course the costumer asked for it.

Do my coursework

Mind that the sample papers like School presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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