Thursday, May 10, 2012

Greek History

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Polemarch- first polemarch was Kipsolis, took over in Corinth after the deposition of the Bachiads.

Kipsolis is mostly a quasi-monarch. Usurper of power, gets public support, however his descendents are not liked.

Gemoroi- Wealthy social class in Samos that controlled govt. before Polycrates seized power. Ran olis based on aristocracy. After this class Polycrates took over.

Trireme- The most advanced Greek warship. Has rows of oarsmen. 1st developed in Corinth. Used effectively @ the battle of Salamis (Greeks against Persians). Trireme is able to maneuver faster than other ships of its age (reason battle was won).

Pentechonter- Standard warship before the trireme, less powerful. Only had banks of oars.


Agamemnon- Legendary Spartan king, was commander of the seige of Troy. Held together an alliance of Greek princes who were eventually able to capture the city of Troy after 10 yrs. Of seige. In Homers Iliad (during Book ) he has an arguement with his most powerful warrior- Achilles,over Chrysies who he demands in ransom when he is forced to give back his prize Bryseises. Agam. is not clever bec. he disregards the advice of his council (in particular Nestor’s advice)

Poor leader, Homeric, brother of Meneleus, had the most battle ships- 100,

not respected- worst thing in his point of view, doesn’t always follow nomos- in this case respecting a priest.

Chryses- Priest of Apollo, has daughters stolen from him by Achilles and Agam. as bounty. He demands one of them back to appease the wrath of Apollo, he is refused his request so Apollo sends plague to entire Greek army. In desperation, Agam. gives up his prize (Chrysies- Chryses daughters) and demands Achilles prize (Brysies) in compensation. Chryses isn’t wise in going about the situation and pleads with Meneleus before asking the person who was REALLY in charge.

Nestor- Oldest and wisest council member in Agam’s court. Agam. rarely takes his comments correctly. Sent to Achilles to beg him to return to battle but unsuccessfully.

Lycurgus- Ancient Spartan law giver who’s credited with the constitution of Sparta, a semi-mythic character who who was buried with honors as a G-d when he died bec. of his great service to the ppl. of Sparta. Decreed that women should train militarily along side the men, everyone should go barefoot and wear one piece clothing, made it possible for Spartans to steal food when absolutely starving, bu wouldnt allow them to eat extravagently.

Xenaphon- author of The Politeia of Sparta (Constitution of Sparta) writes a lot about the greatness of Lyc. and abt. how backward the syst. of govt. was before his time.

Theseus- Founder of the city of Athens, mythical character. 1st monarch, well liked by subjects. War like.

Solon- Was the primary law maker of the constitution of Athens- as described by Arist.’s Constitution of the Athenians . Solon created the syst. of the boule, and the Areopogus.

Pertaining to law he est. a judge and jury (judge had no more power than jury, and couldnt influence them. Before an Solon, an Archon cold decide the fate of a citizen)- both of which were paid. The jury had majority vote and presided over the decision. Solon took the first census, and was responsible for bringing wealth to Athens where all legal matters could be tried. His syst. was diff. than Lyc’s idea of social control. Traveled extensively- went to Egypt. Solon divided population into 4 different classes by region. 1. The mountain ppl. - poor. . Plane- land owning aristocracy, rich. . Coast People- craftsmen and fishermen (more middle class). 4. Immigrants (Mettics)- were not allowed to own land.

Croesus- Tyrant of Athens. Violated nomos- doesn’t care. He is a hereditary monarch.

Peisistratus- First tyrant of Athens. Started career as a general. Propoganda- pretended that he had the support of Athena by addressing a peasant girl in a gown and parading her through the streets. He lied to the people and persuaded tem that he needed a personal body guard which increased his power. To build power he made alliance with the Alcmeonides, which was a powerful family of Athens. Disarmed citizens and instead he armed his guards-went against nomos. He maintained popularity by dispensing justice. Once he achieves power, he doesn’t abuse it. He doesn’t kill unless he’s forced to. Keeps Solonic law. Allows Archons to stay in power. After he got power, he improved Athen. education. He moved Homers works to Athens to be written down in poems, and recited @ festivals. Didn’t turn out to be as bad of a ruler as he could have been. He is recognized as a tyrant who is also a great reformer. His sons got power, but lost it due to sexual dishonor.

Hippias & Hipparchas- Though Peis. had sons, these are the only of which anything is known about. Hippias., the older, took over power.


Harmodeus & Aristogaiden- Because of their sexually immoral behavior, the family of Peis. fell from power in Athens. They were involved in plotting against killing Hippias Had statues built of them

Cleisthaenes- Was Archon of Athens, and instituted major social reforms towards changing the city from an aristocracy to a republic. It was due to his reforms, and ability to sway pop. opinion that the milit. general, Kimon fell from power and ended his career in shame.

Themistocles- Was a traitor, lier, and had no problem with taking large bribes, however was responsible for the Greeks winning the Persian War. Them. tactic was to give up/ abandon Athens, let the Persians burn it, and then defeat the Persian navy @ the battle of Salamis while their land army has been stalled @ the pass of Thermoplaye in this “stalling loss”, the king of Sparta was killed along with The middle class trained mainly as hoplites, unlike poorest class were able to gain valor on the battle field, which increased their social ranking. this force of 00 homoi that fought to the death. Divided citz’s of Athens into classes (Solonic wealth/economic classes) all of who could take part in govt, but were required to do diff. duties within society. Ex wealthy were required to build, and “donate” ships to the state and the poorest class to oar the ships. Was the 1st to exploit the silver mines @ Mt. Larrium- had poor mine there... this financed his massive ship building. Was from a poor family, wasnt pious, and has no problem with slave labor.

Kimon- Military general @ same time as Themis. Opposite type of character. Aristocratic background, very pious, assoc. himself with Theseus- orig. founder of Athens. Kimon didn’t have to steal in order to achieve a social position, he is more of a Homeric character, he is popular @ first among Athenians (doesn’t fence his fields, welcomes ppl. to dinner @ his palace, and provides free hange of clothes for all who come). Whatever $ he made, was justified bec. he spent as much as he made. Kimon obeys nomos. Kimon can’t deal with change from aristocracy to republic.

Polycrates- Tyrant of Samos, took over from Gemoioi (wealthy land owners who ran society as an oligarchy).. Samos is in the Aegean Sea - near Persia and Egypt. Poly. maintains relations abroad so he won’t be absorbed into one of the Greater empires (Pers. and egyp) He is friends with Amasus.(fish story). Builds Temple of Hera, and encourages pyracy.

Fall of Polyc- Attempts to garner support of a Persian Satrap- ruler of Pers.empire.

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