Monday, May 14, 2012

View of the Church on Euthanasia

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The Roman Catholic Church is the single largest organization to fund against euthanasia. It invests more money in its fight against euthanasia than all the combined resources of “right-to-die” societies around the world. The Church teaches the commandment Thou Shalt Not Kill. Therefore, euthanasia is morally unacceptable. This raises the moral question do we have the right to kill?

Pope John Paul II defines euthanasia as an action or omission which by itself and by intention causes death in order that all suffering in this way be eliminated. The Church absolutely prohibits suicide of any kind. Catholic theologians have confirmed that the prohibition, whilst being the Vatican’s current position, is not an inviolable one. Just because euthanasia is popular does not mean it is morally right. The Church’s tactics to support their statement include disinformation and threats of excommunication.

Christian scripture has always stated that nobody has the right to kill. The Book of Genesis states that “God created humankind in his image” (Genesis 17). Human life is sacred and given an strong character which reflects the inviolability of the Creator. Every human life, from the point of conception to death, is sacred because the person has been willed for his own sake in the image and likeness of God. “Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him,” states the Apostle John (1 Jn 15).

The Church says that the answer for terminally ill patients is in palliative care. The problem is that fifty percent of patients with terminal illnesses do not have access to palliative care. The Church argues that if palliative care were better, patients would not be in pain. If there was no pain, patients would not request euthanasia.

Not all churches and organizations are strictly against euthanasia like the Catholic Church. The Episcopalian Unitarian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Hindu, Skh Dharma and Quaker religions are amongst the most liberal. They oppose the practice, but allow at least individual decision making in the cases of active euthanasia. They leave the decision to individual conscience. Very few faiths prohibit passive euthanasia. The most common religions that tend to oppose it are conservative Evangelicals, Islam and the Mormon Church.

Self-deliverance, also known as suicide, is also accepted by many faiths. The Jaina ethic of self-deliverance is done through fasting. In 17, the Dutch Reformed Church in the Netherlands published a pamphlet in which euthanasia was conditionally accepted as a humane way of dying.

Pope John Paul II states in Evangelium Vitae that

“Abortion and euthanasia are thus crimes which no human law can claim to legitimize. There is no obligation in conscience to obey such laws; instead there is a grave and clear obligation to oppose them by conscientious objection. In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to ‘take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it.’” (65).

Christian beliefs concerning suicide were well documents by Thomas Aquinas around 15-174. He condemned suicide because it violates the natural desire to live, it harms other people and because life is a gift from God and it must only be taken by God.

Michel de Montaigne, a European writer who lived from 15-15, wrote five essays that touched on the subject of suicide. He argued that suicide should be considered a matter of personal choice, and that it is a rational option under certain circumstances.

The Unitarian-Universalist Association is a liberal group located in the U.S. They issued a statement in 188 to support euthanasia and assisted suicide by choice only if there are proper precautions to avoid abuse. Similar statements to these by the United Church of Christ and the Methodist Church in the U.S. West coast. Cagginao, Fr. Frank. “Christ, the Defender of Human Life.” June 17. The Catholic Transcript. 8 April 00 http//

“Euthanasia and the Catholic Church Why Euthanasia is Wrong.” KU. 5 April 00 http//

John Paul II, Pope. “Evangelium Vitae.” 5 Mar 15. Vatican. 5 April 00 http//

Liptak, Frr David Q. “Faith Perspective Column.” August 17. The Catholic Transcript. 8 April 00 http//

Pavone, Fr. Frank A. “Freedom to Die?” Priests for Life. 8 April 00 http//

“What the Catholic Church Teaches on Assisted Suicide.” Claretian Publications. 8 April 00 http//

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