Friday, May 4, 2012

Gifts Given

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In life there are gifts given, some are wrapped with big red bows, and others are left behind as tokens in remembrance of those dearest to us. Gifts are also given to fit the occasion, whether it is presented or comes involuntarily. But the gift is always considered to be a symbolic reflection and representative. And the lasting effect each gift holds, presents itself in the absentence .For example, in the story “The Gift of A Sweat”, Rick, an ill man, perspired a gift in itself without knowing it would have any remembrance to Rebecca Brown, his friend and home attendant.

Likewise, the majority of the time we hope to leave something behind for others to value and cherish us by before our passing. Most of our time spent, is with the ones who care for, and after us. Family, friends, and love ones, all cater to the needs of the one who is ill or has a fatal future. Catering to the needs such as, “clean or do chores”(p.87 paragraph 6) and weighing on hand and foot. For those who are not as acquainted, such as a home attendant, but looks after the one who is ill, soon tends to formulate a bond. This bond comes from the intimacy shared from and by one another. Such as Rick and Rebecca in the story “ The Gift of Sweat”.

Furthermore, Rick’s independence and normal lifestyle is showed by remaining a residence at “his own place” (P.87 paragraph 6), and doing as little, although big, as answering the door. Rick, as well as his home attendant looked this independency, forwarded to, that morning he “sounded really chirpy” (P.87 paragraph 4). Rich was in such great need for Rebecca to get herself over there and be in his presence. However, Rick and Rebecca friendship is caringly genuine, it came about when Rick’s dear friend Barry passed away. In which became the time Rebecca started coming over. It was not necessarily to fill the void of Barry, but to add comfort and ease on the situation, as she so greatly did. Rebecca would sweetly leave notes for him to find under his pillow and motion his toys as if they were kissing.

Unfortunately, that morning took a drastic turn for Rick when he “so sudden” (P.88 paragraph ) felt extremely ill. Not allowing him to carry out his independent routine of answering the door. To Rebecca’s surprise, Rick lied in bed with his back facing opposite of Rebecca, as she opened the door, sat down beside him and embraced him moments before the UCS had taken him over to the hospital. But in that process, Rebecca had absorbed not only the sweat that covered Rick’s hands, forehead and back, that was now left on her, she had also absorbed sorrow and empathy as she said “Poor Rick. Poor Ricky.” (P.88 paragraph 4) waiting for Margaret. So as Rebecca helped Rick’s get in and closed the door behind him, she returned to Rick’s apartment. Beginning to clean, as were her duties, but this time she was in a hurry, wanting to “ get everything done” yet “ stretch it out” so it could prolong the time. Keeping oneself busy is a habitual task most people take heed to because it is comforting and it is a distraction as opposed to contemplating on what is troubling to you.

In conclusion, whether the gift was what Rick so desperately wanted for Rebecca to come over for, or perhaps the sweat he left lingering in his house as Rebecca cleaned, it is the acknowledging of his presence in his absentence that is to be considered. This “sweat” was an involuntarily symbolic token that was fitting to the circumstances and occasion.

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