Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dealing with Merging Methods of Work: The “My Way or the Highway” Mentality

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Increasingly organizations, whether “for profit” or “not for profit,” are entering into mergers, alliances and ventures or are forced into consolidation by hostile takeover by other organizations. The earthquake of bringing together of wide varieties of technologies, methods, processes, cultures, facilities and intellectual properties creates wide and dangerous chasms. If these chasms are not negotiated carefully and bridges built to cross them, the danger of companies plunging into the pit of Chapter 11, and ultimately complete demise, is very real.

While technology, methods, and processes are usually the impetus for companies joining forces, they are generally worthless without people to create, develop and implement. It is often the tendency for organizations to focus on the technical side and short-term issues first and to disregard the human side and the larger picture. During the course of a merger, the inconsistencies in management style, culture, perceptions and preconceived notions of attitudes and, more than anything else, lack of communication, become the pitfalls from which newly merged concerns may not recover. Therefore, it is key to the successful merging of organizations to develop a strategic transition plan that addresses the responsibilities of Leadership, Transition Teams, Human Resources, and the Employees themselves. The transition strategy must solidly communicate the vision of the merged organization and present a process for working through the change issues as a unified group, with each person realizing his or her own personal stake in the outcome.

Communication is the number one most important process to develop. For efforts to succeed, management and employees must be willing to bring uncomfortable and potentially explosive issues to the forefront without fear or risk of dismissive attitudes or retaliation. Communication fosters employee involvement, commitment to coming changes, understanding, and willingness to “walk the talk.” Cross-cultural education of managers and employees at each facility about the history, mission and culture of the other company eases anxiety and begins to dispel the “them vs. us” mentality. Creation of combined, or perhaps completely different, missions, values and visions communicates to management and employees that the organization affirms a clear purpose and identity and lays the groundwork to dispel the natural fears that come with change.

By recognizing and addressing the fears, hopes and concerns of management and employees at each facility involved, it will resist barriers that can hinder success. When barriers exist, friction often develops. Because most people are naturally fearful of change, political behavior is common. People begin emphasizing individual roles or teams instead of concentrating on collaboration efforts to create the new organization. This type of behavior adds mortar to walls that must be dismantled for success. Again, constant and honest communication that tells people what is working, what isn’t working so well, and the next steps in tearing down those walls will build employee involvement and commitment.

Mind that the sample papers like Dealing with Merging Methods of Work: The “My Way or the Highway” Mentality presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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