Monday, May 7, 2012

Comparison of To His Coy Mistress and The Sun Rising

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The Sun Rising by John Donne

In my opinion, this is one of the very great poems in the English language. It is essentially a dramatic poem the poet and his mistress or his wife are in bed together, deeply in love, as the sunlight streams into the bedroom through the curtained windows.

At one level, the poem is one enormous joke at the suns expense. Because the couple feel that their life together is perfect and complete, without any need for anything or anyone else, the poet tells the sun to stop being a nuisance and to leave them alone. He then tells the sun that the world of ordinary people outside the window isnt the real world, and that his lover is worth much more than anything the sun can ever find outside that bedroom, which has become the real world as far as the lovers are concerned.

At a deeper level, Donne argues that Love is the ultimate reality, beyond the limits of Time and Space. Love is, in fact, eternal.

Stanza 1

This is the only love poem ever written which begins with the words Busy old fool!. Donne is mocking the sun, telling it to run away and hurry up schoolboys and apprentices, or to remind the ambitious that it is time to go off to the royal court to seek their fortunes. But with the last two lines, the poets voice changes, as turns to the deeper, more serious aspect of the lovers experience. Notice how after the grand statement that Love is beyond seasons or places, the pace of the writing slows down with the long vowels of days, hours, months. The rapidly changing tone -- like the voice of an actor -- is one of the glories of Donnes writing, and of this poem in particular.


At the beginning, Donne is teasing again the sun need not think it is so high and mighty because the poet can make it disappear by closing his eyes in a wink -- except that he does not want to lose sight of the woman at his side for even as short a time as that. Then Donne compares her to the world of rich spices and gold and silver in the East and West Indies, and himself to the kings of those countries, before changing tone again in lines that are the more beautiful for their simplicity

Ask for those kings whom thou sought yesterday,

And thou shalt hear All here in one bed lay.


The first three lines are another miracle of simplicity the eternity of Love is contained in three words

Nothing else is

This is great writing indeed. It is followed by those splendid lines in which Donne turns to the sun again and welcomes him into the bedroom like an elderly gentleman in need of rest and good company, before closing with the memorable line

This bed thy centre is, these walls thy sphere.

which brings the poem to a perfect conclusion.

Bullet Point Notes On The Poem

• Re-uses the notion of Hundreds of Petrachan and Elizabethan poems that the Sun is the touchstone of ecstatic tribute

• The exaggeration of language mimics the assurance of love

• Every insult to the Sun is a compliment to his mistress.

• Note the movement of the poem. In Stanza 1, Love and the Sun are separate. By Stanza , Donne has joined the two - love and the Sun are one and the same. The poem also becomes more intellectual as it advances - possibly as the speaker and his lover wake up! However, this intellectuality also, ironically, takes the poem from the plausible to the ridiculous. A simple way to examine the movement of this poem is to examine the first lines of each stanza.

1. Busy old fool, unruly Sun

. Thy beams, so reverend and strong,

Why shouldst thou think?

. Sheis all States, and all Princes, I

• Note the constant use of Sun-related imagery Eclipse and cloud in stanza , these walls, thy sphere in Stanza . The sphere is significant - circles and spheres were considered the perfect shapes. By the last word of the last stanza, Donne, his love, and the Sun are united.

• There is a very sensual aspect to this poem the glow of the sun, the extremes of conceit, perhaps an element of a sexual boast with All here in one bed lay in stanza .

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