Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Behind the Veil of islamic women

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In this paper I will examine three major aspects regarding Islamic women and their veils. First I will describe the role women have in their community and family. Secondly, I will describe the veil such as when it is worn, how it is designed and matters of that kind. And finally I will describe how the veil actually establishes and portrays a woman’s identity to her community. There are many more aspects to a woman’s role in Islam however, I chose these three aspects surrounding the veil to further describe because I think it is imperative to understand in order to better grasp an understanding of the Islamic culture.

In the Islamic community the woman is regarded a sanctity. Her beauty is holy. Men in the community are expected to treat the women with as much respect as they would any other holy item. Though it is important not to misunderstand that the woman is NOT an item or a mere possession. The women in the Islamic community hold the family virtue within their own virtuosity. The wife and mother of a household is supposed to teach and socialize her children in a virtuous manner. That is to say it is largely the mother’s position to establish honor, dignity, and respectfulness in her children. She is also expected to guard those qualities of her husband’s. To bring shame upon herself would multiply to those in her family. “Women are the center of the family, its sanctity…” (85 Guindi)

Men are equally responsible for the upkeep of reputation. However, since the house is considered the woman’s castle she is expected to maintain the familial compass of the household. It seemed to me as though women have a great responsibility to the family. And I would think that such responsibility shows a terrific trust from thehusband in his choice of bride.

History provides proof that a man’s reputation was the only way to distinguish him from other men. Wealth was only determined by the number of camel a man possessed, reputation was very important. A man could make his reputation by showing generosity to other tribes in giving away his camels. A successful raider could better gain a reputation by having more with which to be generous. Reputation is important for both men and women.

For a woman, reputation is based on competence, efficiency, motherly care, ability to manage a household as well as her own capacity for giving in addition to being brave. Above and beyond the expectation for her to fulfill her own obligations to building a reputation, the woman is also expected to aide in the man’s reputation for generosity and bravery, as well as hospitality.

Because women are of such great importance and there reputation is so important women wear veils. There are veils for all females. Married women wear veils and body drapes all the time. During certain holidays and specific occasions such as weddings and other life cycle events (funerals etc.) women wear especially decorative veils. The veil embodies and protects a woman’s sanctity. Since the woman stands for such important roles in her family and community she is expected to guard herself as such.

Young girls are also expected to maintain wearing their veils also. Though young girls aren’t as restricted in their dress as adult females and especially married women, they are still expected to maintain a chaste and pure being. Such upbringing makes for a smooth transition from childhood to adulthood. Additionally, girls must be brought up chaste in order to keep a respectable reputation, which she will then pass on to her husband and children.

The veil and body dressing are designed to cover the body and to aide in modesty. It is expected of women to be modest and to dress accordingly. A woman is not to show her beauty to anyone other than her husband and should not remove her veil and dress to anyone other than husbands, husband’s fathers, husband’s sons, sons, and son’s sons. Females are allowed to be less modest with other females as well as with servants, men and young boys who are not sexually able.

Perhaps most interesting to me about the veil is that it isn’t meant to hide the women. It is meant as a form of protection. I had never been introduced to the idea that veils could be a positive thing, In the form my opinion and understanding took, I was sure that veils were an expression of shame women had for themselves and an attempt to blotch out the offending femininity.

The veil grants women a huge amount of privacy. Veils have been equated with mashrabiyya screens. Mashrabiyya screens allow the woman to see without being seen. The woman isn’t made invisible by wearing the veil. Instead, those who know her, know her not on the basis of her looks and appearance but on the way she carries herself and her mannerisms. Women and acquaintances learn to really see people and get to know them beyond just their looks. So the veil is like a portable Mashrabiyya screen that allows women the protection from strangers who don’t know her.

This might seem way off, but I kind of equate veils along the same lines as bras. I don’t consider bras as holy. But I do think they offer females protection from offensive stares and the elements. And most females in western society don’t consider bras as a form of restriction, or a way to cover shame. While in parts of Africa it might be considered just that. Or it may even be considered a way of binding forced upon women by men.

Women who wear the veils often express their identity through their veils. For example on special occasions a woman’s talent and skill is shown by hear craft of sewing her veils and dresses, as well as the tent. A woman will stand outside her tent on holy days or occasion such as wedding and be greeted by the men of the village. The custom is for the man to touch the woman on the shoulder embracing her and showing her respect for her ability. Women can also show a symbol of their status on the basis of their craft. Veils give women power that they wouldn’t have without them. Women have power in choosing to be seen by whom she wants to. She has the power to hold forth a respectability for herself and her family. To be the center of familial sanctity.

Veils, as far as I can tell, have a much larger capacity for bigh points than low points. They carry grandeur and responsibility instead of shame, as I had originally thought. The article Veil Modesty, Privacy, and Resistance by Fadwa Guindi was an incredibly rich source of information citing a multitude of other sources. I enjoyed this article because it showed the negative thoughts on veils but also showed how those were false views held mostly by Westerners. Guindi backed up her argument by showing example and example of contradictory evidence. I appreciate this article and I now have an appreciation for the veil.

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