We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like essays even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like essays in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
China, a developing country in the Asia-pacific region is labeled as the worldfs seventh largest economy in terms of power and influence and the largest in terms of size- 1% of global population. Under Mao Tse Tungfs communist rule, China attempted to modernize both agriculture and industry in the ggreat leap forwardh in the 150fs. However, the policies implemented proved futile and resulted in pervasive famine and poverty. In the latter period of the 160fs Tungfs successor, Deng Xiao Ping instigated a cluster of fundamental policies designated on integrating China with the global economy and to promote its economic growth and development.
Chinafs experience with the World Bank is extensive. Since joining the bank in 180, China has been the largest single source of long-term foreign capital, acquiring $US.5 billion after 1 for reform purposes.
Furthermore, China had loaned minimal amounts from the IMF and repaid immediately.
In 180 an eopen doorf policy was employed to expose China to foreign trade and investment with Special Economic Zones established in the southern coastal provinces. This policy was successful due to the low tax rates, import duty exemption, far less stringent regulations, and the comparative advantage China has in labour productivity. In this period foreign trade generated $US0 billion, which expanded to $US400 billion in 1. TNCfs such as Phillips operate companies and generate $US5 billion-worth of goods in China each year, but nearly two-thirds of that is exported overseas.
In addition, agricultural reforms were implemented to strengthen economic development. This entailed the removal of the commune system, also referred to as de-collectivisation and the introduction of the Household Responsibility System where the household sector had freedom to organise their own production decisions and distribute surpluses in free markets after the establishment of quotas or plans. In f7 agriculture measured 1% of GDP.
These reforms generated positive economic growth rates for China. World Bank studies concluded that China achieved average growth rates of 8.% between 178 and 15. Further, the IMF Economic Outlook 00 states that Chinafs GDP (adjusted for PPP) has reached $4.5trillion, equivalent to 1% of Gross World Product (GWP).
The growth of Chinafs potential export markets increased due to reduced government intervention and international convergence but at the expense of higher unemployment and structural change in domestic industries. Through a series of further decentralizing effects, current Premier, Zhu Rongji attempts to increase industry efficiency and competitiveness. China was admitted into the WTO at the Doha conference in 001 and raised exportfs by almost 50% during the first half of this year by exporting to the other 14 member nations.
Financial sector reforms corroborated the nationfs drive to entice foreign investment. They began in 1 with a price mechanism established and a new taxation system operating amidst the central and local authorities. The Peoplefs Bank of China was assigned the central bank implementing the monetary policy and a dual exchange rate was established. The capital loan and negotiable securities markets were gradually established after 185 and Chinafs average tariff rate was cut from % to 15% in 000. Banking laws were initiated in 15 and lead to network banking, stock exchanges and a more sophisticated capital market to accommodate savings and investments. In the years after 1, the amount of foreign investment absorbed by China has maintained the honor of No. in the world for five consecutive years, after the USA. Chinafs private bank savings surpass $US840 billion, equivalent to its GDP. Since then, China has maintained a managed float currency.
Chinafs quality of life may be measured via various indicators such as the level of educational attainment, life expectancy at birth, GNP per capita and the number of doctors per 100,000 people. Education reforms such as the gnine-year compulsory schooling systemh, which was implemented to enhance primary, secondary and tertiary education, achieved great results with the average adult literacy rate rising to 8.8% in 1. Life expectancy at birth reached an average 6.8 years with GNP pc averaging $US780. This gave China an overall HDI value of 0.706. To add, during 1-5 there were 115 doctors per 100,000 people. The Chinese have an average quality of life in comparison to Australiafs whopping 0..
Chinafs reform strategies created many environmental consequences. The country is affected by soot, smoke, acid rain and polluted air and water, which are the unintended consequences of globalisation. By 000 China has basically controlled environmental pollution and the worsening of the ecological environment by establishing things such as the ,500 environmental-protection departments.
The distribution of income and wealth for China is imbalanced. For instance, rural residents had a per capita net income of ,10 Yuan in 1 compared to urban residents receiving 5,854 Yuan. This has increased the prominence of relative and absolute poverty. Chinafs current urban unemployment rate measures 10-15%. However, China has promoted the combination of overall social planning with individual accounts and set up at unified insurance system for staff and workers of enterprises. In 1 million retired staff was covered by old-age pension.
Globalisation has presented numerous implications for Chinafs economic policy framework. Chinafs path to global integration relied essentially upon decentralisation of decision- making, a greater role market forces (through initiatives such as exchange rates) and X-led growth. From 16-8 the Chinese government loosened monetary policy eight times to increase investment in capital and consumer spending. Furthermore, it implemented fiscal expansion policy and budgeted for a deficit in 1 to fund necessities such as telecommunications, transportation and infrastructure. This budget deficit cost the Chinese government a total of $160billion renminbi in treasury bonds.
So, it is obviously illustrated that China has embraced the notion of globalisation and coincide with the continuously changing demands associated. It is successfully reforming its economy even in the present day today and is envisaging positive outcomes for the future. Through its reforming process it has experienced both the benefits and drawbacks of globalisation. From recent trends, it appears highly likely for China to continue growing at such as miraculous rate, competing close to the U.S and ultimately, embracing the global economy.
Mind that the sample papers like essays presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
what is hrm
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like what is hrm even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like what is hrm in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Dessler (1) stated that “Human resource management refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the personnel aspects of your management job…”. Through the last two decades many changes were made. One of the primary keys for organizational success is the management of people at work (Mathis and Jackson 14). Human resource management (HRM) appears to express a special approach to managing that asset.
In the following analysis, a comparison of personnel management with HRM is taking place for the discrimination of the main differences between them. Also, usages and definitions of HRM, as have been stated from some great economists during these last decades, help us to understand the main basis of this term. Finally, two different roles and models of HRM, which are used in different organizations and in a different rate, are placed and analyzed.
1. Personnel Management and HRM
In 180s, some incremental changes, help to the replacement of personnel management from human resource management. Personnel management was facing some problems. According to Storey (15) these problems were unreliability and ambiguity regarded an inarticulate set of duties. As Beaumont (141) stated, “…particularly in the product market area, triggered a number of changes in management and organizational practice that pointed in the human resource management direction”. Gennard and Kelly (17) go further in analyzing these changes, arguing that, an ‘enterprise culture’ was developed while companies sought to improved productivity and quality and also to increase employee commitment, creativity and flexibility.
The main differences between personnel management and Human Resource Management (HRM) are stated below
a. Personnel Management is workforced-centered, while management is resource-centered (Mullins 00). That means that HRM emphasizes on management needs for the employment of human resources, rather than personnel management, which emphasizes at the margins of organizational life, the employees.
b. HRM promote the integration of practices and policies that concern organizational and human resourcing strategies (Leopold 00). On the other hand personnel management contains practices that remain isolated at the periphery.
c. In personnel management there is short-term time of planning, organizational structure is bureaucratic and employee’s evaluation is based on cost-minimization (Beaumont 14). As will be seen, in HRM there is long-term time of planning, proactive strategy, the structure is characterized to be organic and there are policies that boost self-control and minimizes external control.
d. The above applications have a main target in HRM. As Leopold (00 10) stated, “ …the commitment of employees which is gained through inner understanding of the attitudes and behaviors expected, rather than gained through compliance measures of time-keeping, strict supervision and repeated quality checks”.
Nowadays, HRM is at the heart of business decision-making (Cheatle 001). The pivotal role of human resource management is clearly seen through its application in a lot of private and commercial organizations and its use in many aspects of people management. Some statistics concerning organizations’ strategy show that
0% of them said that in the past three years, management of people has become one of their high priorities.
7% said that training is important for the success of a business.
100% of them have a team structure.
(Source Institute of Directors, 18)
. Terminology
Daft (00 406) defines Human Resource Management as “The activities undertaken to attract, develop and maintain an effective workforce within an organization”. These activities include a proper design and application of formal systems in the working environment. The integration of those systems in business structure will create a stable way of resource management strategy for the achievement of organizational and personal goals. Furthermore, the main aspects of this strategy, except the goal accomplishment, are the quality improvement of working life, the high levels of performance and commitment and finally the movement towards the creation of a competitive advantage (Huczynski and Buchanan 001).
. Usages of HRM
According to Watson (1) HRM is variously used
• As a different name for personnel management. Legge (18 and 15) reinforce this with the conclusion that there are very little, but important, differences between the two. It’s like to be ‘old wine in new bottles’. These differences have to do with the expectation of overcoming the weaknesses of personal management. Some examples are given above.
• As a tendency that spreads to more than one managerial activity, that have to do with the relationship between employees and organization.
• As a policy that contains ‘new management’ practices for higher employees’ commitment and more effective division of labor.
As it is clearly seen, the term of ‘human resource management’ belongs to a complex area of explanation. The existence of a big number of different meanings makes it very difficult to distinguish which of these are applied in the real world business.
4. Definitions of HRM
For further explanation of the complex and contested area of HRM, some definitions of HRM are listed below. Firstly, Fobrum et al. (184) define HRM as the management task that supports the HR systems of selection, appraisal, rewards and developments, to keep pace with the strategic objectives of the organization.
Secondly, Guest (187) argues that the main objectives of HRM related with strategic integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality. Strategic integration has two meanings
- Integration of all employment management policies in the working environment. Huczynski and Buchanan (001) further suggest that some changes in the organizational environment will help this fundamental shift in employment relations.
- Close interrelationship of human resource strategy with overall business strategy.
Some of the main targets of an organization is the necessity to meet the needs of its customers, to enhance its reputation and finally to increase its profits. Loyalty and commitment are two aspects that are directly connected with business’ success. Also, flexibility has to do with the number of key tasks that an employee performs for the completion of his/her goals. Finally, quality involves the conditions in which an employee delivers high-quality goods or services that help the organization to obtain a competitive advantage (Leopold 00).
Thirdly, Storey (1) comments that a range of meanings is defining the term of HRM.
i. A different name for ‘personnel management’.
ii. A strategic practice for the increase of commitment.
iii. A strategic practice for the continuous utilization of labor resources.
These three meanings of HRM are shown in the following diagram. In the latter HRM regarded as holistic and strategy centered term to employment management.
(Source Storey, 1)
Furthermore, Torrington et al. (00) have developed a comprehensive view of how HRM is perceived as a more modern and supposedly imposing name for ‘personnel management’. In such case, there are three objectives, which control the foundation of HR activities
1. Staffing objectives. HRM is responsible for designing the necessary organisation structure for the recruitment of the appropriate staff.
. Performance objectives. This type involves motivation and commitment through training, development and reward system, for the maximization of employees’ performance.
. Administration objectives. The objectives of this type are closely correlated with the other two objectives. Generally is responsible for the smooth running of the organization. An example is the notification of employees about their performance levels and their training records.
5. Strategic and Operational Roles of HR Management
Strategic and operational roles are the major functions of HRM. The strategic roles focus on the ability of the company to be innovative and emphasizes on the human resource planning. According to Mathis and Jackson (14), “These human resources can be a source of competitive strength if they are managed effectively”. Some other typical activities of strategic function are merger or acquisition advising, evolvement of legal issues, trends of the workforce, community economic development and organizational restructuring.
The operational roles are administrative in nature. They include organizational activities for the effective and efficient daily performance of employees. These activities referred to recruitment and selection systems, employees’ orientation, safety reports, review of employees’ complaints and organization of benefits programs (Mathis and Jackson 14). Cheatle (001 ) also downplays the importance of operational human resource management insisting that, “In many organizations a huge turnover of staff, the large numbers they employ or the homogeneous nature of the business means that very often what is needed is a much more regulatory HR function”. On the surface, operational roles differ from the strategic roles in the respect that the former is responsible for making sure that human resources in an organization are functioning well.
6. Models of HRM
The following diagrams show two approaches of HRM
Figure 1 The ‘Hard’ Human Resource Management
Workers primarily
viewed as a cost
to the company
The ‘collective’ view-
concerns of employees Company outlook
subordinate (to managerial and managerial
position) prerogative takes
Sharp financial Individualistic
focus (e.g. per
Emphasis on gaining Marginalization/
work efficiencies rejection of industrial
Rejection of ‘difference of
viewpoints’ between managers
and employees these are assumed
to be similar
(Source Cornelius, 1 1)
Huczynski and Buchanan (001 67) define hard human resource management as “A perspective, which emphasized the full utilization of employees in a formal, calculating and dispassionate manner, to be treated in a manner similar to any other resources available to the organization”. The main concern of this model is to be measured in an instrumental way for costs minimisation and outputs maximisation. In other words is financially driven and refer to an individualistic way for decision-making.
Figure The ‘Soft’ Human Resource Management
Workers viewed as ‘Humanist’ edge
‘exploitable assets’ to thinking
More of a Development of
concern with core employees
the employees
Emphasis on Employee
employee relations involvement and
commitment encouraged
(Source Cornelius, 1 1)
The soft human resource management give emphasis on the important role of humans in a working environment. More precisely, Leopold (00 1) states that, “It sees human beings as a unique resource available to organizations and one which needs to be led, motivated and communicated with”. ‘Soft’ model based employees in the centre of developmental cycle. In other words identifies the aspect that commitment, skills and creativity can lead to the creation of a competitive advantage.
In the above analysis, a list of aspects and opinions shows the complicate term, of what is called HRM. Some opinions coincide and some others not. Some of them are extremely different and some others have similar points between them. Each organization conceives the term of HRM in a different way than others. For instance, the nature of this function depends on the size, type, culture and tradition of the organization. The correct use and integration of HRM have to do with the grain of the organization. Cheatle (001) gives the examples of British Layland and the Royal Opera House. These two companies used their HR functions for the achievement of organizational change. The results were disastrous because these functions were against the organizational grain. In other cases, when HRM practices maintain a special interrelationship with the core organizational values then the organization will succeed.
Beaumont P. B. (14) Human resource management Key concepts and skills London SAGE Publications Ltd.
Cheatle, K. (001) Mastering Human Resource Management, Basingstoke Palgrave
Daft, R., L. (00) Management, 6th ed. London Thomson, South-Western
Dessler, G. (1) Essentials of human resource management, London Prentice Hall
Fobrum, C., Tichy, N. M. and Devanna, M. A. (184) Strategic Human Resource Management, London John Wiley
Gennard, J. and Kelly, J. (March 17) The Unimportance of Labels The diffusion of the Personnel/HRM Function, Industrial Relations Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.7-4
Guest, D. E. (187) Human Resource Management and industrial Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp.48-51
Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D. (001) Organizational Behaviour An introductory text, 4th ed., London Prentice Hall
Institute of Directors (18) Partnerships with people Improving business performance through your people, London Director Publications Ltd.
Legge, K. (18 and 15)
[in] Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (00) Human Resource Management, 5th ed., Harlow Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Leopold, J. (00) Human Resources in organizations, Harlow Financial Times
Mathis, R., L. and Jackson, J., H. (14) Human Resource Management, 7th ed., Minneapolis/St. Paul West Publishing
Mullins L. J. (00) Management and organizational behavior 6th ed. London
Prentice Hall
Storey, J. (1)
[in] Cornelius, N. (1) Human Resource Management A managerial perspective, London International Thomson Business Press
Storey, J. (15) New perspectives on human resource management London
Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (00) Human Resource Management, 5th ed., Harlow Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Mind that the sample papers like what is hrm presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Dessler (1) stated that “Human resource management refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the personnel aspects of your management job…”. Through the last two decades many changes were made. One of the primary keys for organizational success is the management of people at work (Mathis and Jackson 14). Human resource management (HRM) appears to express a special approach to managing that asset.
In the following analysis, a comparison of personnel management with HRM is taking place for the discrimination of the main differences between them. Also, usages and definitions of HRM, as have been stated from some great economists during these last decades, help us to understand the main basis of this term. Finally, two different roles and models of HRM, which are used in different organizations and in a different rate, are placed and analyzed.
1. Personnel Management and HRM
In 180s, some incremental changes, help to the replacement of personnel management from human resource management. Personnel management was facing some problems. According to Storey (15) these problems were unreliability and ambiguity regarded an inarticulate set of duties. As Beaumont (141) stated, “…particularly in the product market area, triggered a number of changes in management and organizational practice that pointed in the human resource management direction”. Gennard and Kelly (17) go further in analyzing these changes, arguing that, an ‘enterprise culture’ was developed while companies sought to improved productivity and quality and also to increase employee commitment, creativity and flexibility.
The main differences between personnel management and Human Resource Management (HRM) are stated below
a. Personnel Management is workforced-centered, while management is resource-centered (Mullins 00). That means that HRM emphasizes on management needs for the employment of human resources, rather than personnel management, which emphasizes at the margins of organizational life, the employees.
b. HRM promote the integration of practices and policies that concern organizational and human resourcing strategies (Leopold 00). On the other hand personnel management contains practices that remain isolated at the periphery.
c. In personnel management there is short-term time of planning, organizational structure is bureaucratic and employee’s evaluation is based on cost-minimization (Beaumont 14). As will be seen, in HRM there is long-term time of planning, proactive strategy, the structure is characterized to be organic and there are policies that boost self-control and minimizes external control.
d. The above applications have a main target in HRM. As Leopold (00 10) stated, “ …the commitment of employees which is gained through inner understanding of the attitudes and behaviors expected, rather than gained through compliance measures of time-keeping, strict supervision and repeated quality checks”.
Nowadays, HRM is at the heart of business decision-making (Cheatle 001). The pivotal role of human resource management is clearly seen through its application in a lot of private and commercial organizations and its use in many aspects of people management. Some statistics concerning organizations’ strategy show that
0% of them said that in the past three years, management of people has become one of their high priorities.
7% said that training is important for the success of a business.
100% of them have a team structure.
(Source Institute of Directors, 18)
. Terminology
Daft (00 406) defines Human Resource Management as “The activities undertaken to attract, develop and maintain an effective workforce within an organization”. These activities include a proper design and application of formal systems in the working environment. The integration of those systems in business structure will create a stable way of resource management strategy for the achievement of organizational and personal goals. Furthermore, the main aspects of this strategy, except the goal accomplishment, are the quality improvement of working life, the high levels of performance and commitment and finally the movement towards the creation of a competitive advantage (Huczynski and Buchanan 001).
. Usages of HRM
According to Watson (1) HRM is variously used
• As a different name for personnel management. Legge (18 and 15) reinforce this with the conclusion that there are very little, but important, differences between the two. It’s like to be ‘old wine in new bottles’. These differences have to do with the expectation of overcoming the weaknesses of personal management. Some examples are given above.
• As a tendency that spreads to more than one managerial activity, that have to do with the relationship between employees and organization.
• As a policy that contains ‘new management’ practices for higher employees’ commitment and more effective division of labor.
As it is clearly seen, the term of ‘human resource management’ belongs to a complex area of explanation. The existence of a big number of different meanings makes it very difficult to distinguish which of these are applied in the real world business.
4. Definitions of HRM
For further explanation of the complex and contested area of HRM, some definitions of HRM are listed below. Firstly, Fobrum et al. (184) define HRM as the management task that supports the HR systems of selection, appraisal, rewards and developments, to keep pace with the strategic objectives of the organization.
Secondly, Guest (187) argues that the main objectives of HRM related with strategic integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality. Strategic integration has two meanings
- Integration of all employment management policies in the working environment. Huczynski and Buchanan (001) further suggest that some changes in the organizational environment will help this fundamental shift in employment relations.
- Close interrelationship of human resource strategy with overall business strategy.
Some of the main targets of an organization is the necessity to meet the needs of its customers, to enhance its reputation and finally to increase its profits. Loyalty and commitment are two aspects that are directly connected with business’ success. Also, flexibility has to do with the number of key tasks that an employee performs for the completion of his/her goals. Finally, quality involves the conditions in which an employee delivers high-quality goods or services that help the organization to obtain a competitive advantage (Leopold 00).
Thirdly, Storey (1) comments that a range of meanings is defining the term of HRM.
i. A different name for ‘personnel management’.
ii. A strategic practice for the increase of commitment.
iii. A strategic practice for the continuous utilization of labor resources.
These three meanings of HRM are shown in the following diagram. In the latter HRM regarded as holistic and strategy centered term to employment management.
(Source Storey, 1)
Furthermore, Torrington et al. (00) have developed a comprehensive view of how HRM is perceived as a more modern and supposedly imposing name for ‘personnel management’. In such case, there are three objectives, which control the foundation of HR activities
1. Staffing objectives. HRM is responsible for designing the necessary organisation structure for the recruitment of the appropriate staff.
. Performance objectives. This type involves motivation and commitment through training, development and reward system, for the maximization of employees’ performance.
. Administration objectives. The objectives of this type are closely correlated with the other two objectives. Generally is responsible for the smooth running of the organization. An example is the notification of employees about their performance levels and their training records.
5. Strategic and Operational Roles of HR Management
Strategic and operational roles are the major functions of HRM. The strategic roles focus on the ability of the company to be innovative and emphasizes on the human resource planning. According to Mathis and Jackson (14), “These human resources can be a source of competitive strength if they are managed effectively”. Some other typical activities of strategic function are merger or acquisition advising, evolvement of legal issues, trends of the workforce, community economic development and organizational restructuring.
The operational roles are administrative in nature. They include organizational activities for the effective and efficient daily performance of employees. These activities referred to recruitment and selection systems, employees’ orientation, safety reports, review of employees’ complaints and organization of benefits programs (Mathis and Jackson 14). Cheatle (001 ) also downplays the importance of operational human resource management insisting that, “In many organizations a huge turnover of staff, the large numbers they employ or the homogeneous nature of the business means that very often what is needed is a much more regulatory HR function”. On the surface, operational roles differ from the strategic roles in the respect that the former is responsible for making sure that human resources in an organization are functioning well.
6. Models of HRM
The following diagrams show two approaches of HRM
Figure 1 The ‘Hard’ Human Resource Management
Workers primarily
viewed as a cost
to the company
The ‘collective’ view-
concerns of employees Company outlook
subordinate (to managerial and managerial
position) prerogative takes
Sharp financial Individualistic
focus (e.g. per
Emphasis on gaining Marginalization/
work efficiencies rejection of industrial
Rejection of ‘difference of
viewpoints’ between managers
and employees these are assumed
to be similar
(Source Cornelius, 1 1)
Huczynski and Buchanan (001 67) define hard human resource management as “A perspective, which emphasized the full utilization of employees in a formal, calculating and dispassionate manner, to be treated in a manner similar to any other resources available to the organization”. The main concern of this model is to be measured in an instrumental way for costs minimisation and outputs maximisation. In other words is financially driven and refer to an individualistic way for decision-making.
Figure The ‘Soft’ Human Resource Management
Workers viewed as ‘Humanist’ edge
‘exploitable assets’ to thinking
More of a Development of
concern with core employees
the employees
Emphasis on Employee
employee relations involvement and
commitment encouraged
(Source Cornelius, 1 1)
The soft human resource management give emphasis on the important role of humans in a working environment. More precisely, Leopold (00 1) states that, “It sees human beings as a unique resource available to organizations and one which needs to be led, motivated and communicated with”. ‘Soft’ model based employees in the centre of developmental cycle. In other words identifies the aspect that commitment, skills and creativity can lead to the creation of a competitive advantage.
In the above analysis, a list of aspects and opinions shows the complicate term, of what is called HRM. Some opinions coincide and some others not. Some of them are extremely different and some others have similar points between them. Each organization conceives the term of HRM in a different way than others. For instance, the nature of this function depends on the size, type, culture and tradition of the organization. The correct use and integration of HRM have to do with the grain of the organization. Cheatle (001) gives the examples of British Layland and the Royal Opera House. These two companies used their HR functions for the achievement of organizational change. The results were disastrous because these functions were against the organizational grain. In other cases, when HRM practices maintain a special interrelationship with the core organizational values then the organization will succeed.
Beaumont P. B. (14) Human resource management Key concepts and skills London SAGE Publications Ltd.
Cheatle, K. (001) Mastering Human Resource Management, Basingstoke Palgrave
Daft, R., L. (00) Management, 6th ed. London Thomson, South-Western
Dessler, G. (1) Essentials of human resource management, London Prentice Hall
Fobrum, C., Tichy, N. M. and Devanna, M. A. (184) Strategic Human Resource Management, London John Wiley
Gennard, J. and Kelly, J. (March 17) The Unimportance of Labels The diffusion of the Personnel/HRM Function, Industrial Relations Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.7-4
Guest, D. E. (187) Human Resource Management and industrial Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp.48-51
Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D. (001) Organizational Behaviour An introductory text, 4th ed., London Prentice Hall
Institute of Directors (18) Partnerships with people Improving business performance through your people, London Director Publications Ltd.
Legge, K. (18 and 15)
[in] Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (00) Human Resource Management, 5th ed., Harlow Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Leopold, J. (00) Human Resources in organizations, Harlow Financial Times
Mathis, R., L. and Jackson, J., H. (14) Human Resource Management, 7th ed., Minneapolis/St. Paul West Publishing
Mullins L. J. (00) Management and organizational behavior 6th ed. London
Prentice Hall
Storey, J. (1)
[in] Cornelius, N. (1) Human Resource Management A managerial perspective, London International Thomson Business Press
Storey, J. (15) New perspectives on human resource management London
Torrington, D., Hall, L. and Taylor, S. (00) Human Resource Management, 5th ed., Harlow Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Mind that the sample papers like what is hrm presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
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We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like 12 angry men even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like 12 angry men in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
1 Angry Men
Having the power to decide whether a man lives or not, is a great responsibility that you cannot just decide on irrelevant material, but put a lot of thought process into the matter at hand.. This responsibility is taken by twelve men in a trial for murder in the movie Twelve Angry Men. These men are assigned to look at facts and hear witnesses to the murder and then decide if the man is guilty or not. If found guilty, they will punish him with the electric chair. Many of these men, called jurors, all of the jurors but one were convinced that the defendant was guilty, but a single man had the power, persuasion and intelligence to change their way of thinking and finally he made them realize that the man was not guilty at all. We can see that everybody in the jury had a very different way of thinking and a different way to interpret the thing said at the trial. For example juror eight thought that the defendant was guilty at first, but he wasn’t ready to charge a man with murder without looking closely into the facts. Juror 4 in the contrary, he just looked into the facts as they were told. Both of these men were very intelligent, but they had a different ways of seeing things and that is why they had a different opinion on the trial.
Juror four was a stockbroker; he was very wealthy and very intelligent. He always knew how to talk and how to make his opinions very clear. “I don’t see any need for arguing like this. I think we ought to be able to behave like gentlemen”. Juror 4 page 186. He thought of himself as a better person than every body else in the room, this is one of the reasons he was so hard to convince. We can see this since the beginning of the play when every body got into the room and started talking to each other. Juror four just sat down and didn’t talk to anybody. Juror even tried to get a conversation with him asking about the paper and he replied in a superior way when he said that he was looking at the stocks. He showed us the way he thinks about himself when he stated his points (his tone of voice showed his superiority). He had his point and thought that it was the most intelligent thought of all and thought that every body was stupid because they didn’t follow his ideas. He never thought that someone would think more than him and get a better perspective of the scene. He also showed us that he felt superior when he never takes his coat of. The room was very hot and every body took their coats off but he didn’t because it’s a way that he feels more professional and more respectful. He was trying to show that he has no discomfort with it because he always wears a suit and he is used to have it at all times. It was like a way to show his pride and even if he was hot, he wasn’t willing to take it of. Unlike juror 8, he looked himself as an equal to every body; he respected every body’s opinion and put in consideration what others had to say. He was always trying to motivate everybody to give their opinions. He talks with respect to everyone and talks in a simple way. Even though he is also a professional and very well educated like juror 4, he takes of his coat which makes him seem like the rest of the jury. At the beginning, unlike juror 4, he talks to everybody about personal things, we see this when he is at the window and he starts talking to juror 11. He is always socializing no matter who the other person is, even in the bathroom, he talks to two men and even tries to make them make sense of why he is doing what he is doing.
Another aspect of juror 4 is that he just kept thinking that the facts were there and that they determined the guiltiness of the defendant. “If we are going to discuss this case let’s discuss the facts” Juror 4 page 186. We are shown this when he starts saying that the boy said he was at the movies but he couldn’t even remember the movies he went to see. He thought the boy was lying because everyone who goes to a movie has to remember what they had seen and that was a fact for him. He didn’t accept that the boy might have been in shock and couldn’t remember. He stays with this idea about facts until the very end. He had to be convinced with facts. We see this when he says that their was a witness who saw the murder and that was everything he needed to know. The facts about the witness actually being able to see were the facts that made him change his mind, but still the had to be facts in order for him to believe them.
Juror 8 was a man of justice; he was not willing to prosecute a man without analyzing the facts deeply. “I’m not trying to change your mind. It’s just that we are talking of somebody’s life here. I mean, we can’t decide in five minutes. Supposing we’re wrong?” Juror 8 page 184. Although he believed the man was guilty at first, he stated that he hadn’t had a fair trial because he didn’t have a good lawyer. “I kept putting myself in the place of the boy. I would have asked for another lawyer, I think.” Juror 8 page1. He analyzes every fact and gets a possibility out of it and that is how he ends proving his innocence. Through out the whole play he shows his way of looking into the facts. For example when he even went to walk around the place and bought a knife that looked just like the murder weapon. He analyzed that anybody could have that knife no just the boy. Also when he analyzes the testimony of the old man. He ends up making a recreation about it to show that there might have been a chance he couldn’t look well enough to see who the murderer was. Also at the end, with the help of juror , he analyzes the woman’s testimony and ends up proving that the woman couldn’t see well because she didn’t have her eye glasses on.
Mind that the sample papers like 12 angry men presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
1 Angry Men
Having the power to decide whether a man lives or not, is a great responsibility that you cannot just decide on irrelevant material, but put a lot of thought process into the matter at hand.. This responsibility is taken by twelve men in a trial for murder in the movie Twelve Angry Men. These men are assigned to look at facts and hear witnesses to the murder and then decide if the man is guilty or not. If found guilty, they will punish him with the electric chair. Many of these men, called jurors, all of the jurors but one were convinced that the defendant was guilty, but a single man had the power, persuasion and intelligence to change their way of thinking and finally he made them realize that the man was not guilty at all. We can see that everybody in the jury had a very different way of thinking and a different way to interpret the thing said at the trial. For example juror eight thought that the defendant was guilty at first, but he wasn’t ready to charge a man with murder without looking closely into the facts. Juror 4 in the contrary, he just looked into the facts as they were told. Both of these men were very intelligent, but they had a different ways of seeing things and that is why they had a different opinion on the trial.
Juror four was a stockbroker; he was very wealthy and very intelligent. He always knew how to talk and how to make his opinions very clear. “I don’t see any need for arguing like this. I think we ought to be able to behave like gentlemen”. Juror 4 page 186. He thought of himself as a better person than every body else in the room, this is one of the reasons he was so hard to convince. We can see this since the beginning of the play when every body got into the room and started talking to each other. Juror four just sat down and didn’t talk to anybody. Juror even tried to get a conversation with him asking about the paper and he replied in a superior way when he said that he was looking at the stocks. He showed us the way he thinks about himself when he stated his points (his tone of voice showed his superiority). He had his point and thought that it was the most intelligent thought of all and thought that every body was stupid because they didn’t follow his ideas. He never thought that someone would think more than him and get a better perspective of the scene. He also showed us that he felt superior when he never takes his coat of. The room was very hot and every body took their coats off but he didn’t because it’s a way that he feels more professional and more respectful. He was trying to show that he has no discomfort with it because he always wears a suit and he is used to have it at all times. It was like a way to show his pride and even if he was hot, he wasn’t willing to take it of. Unlike juror 8, he looked himself as an equal to every body; he respected every body’s opinion and put in consideration what others had to say. He was always trying to motivate everybody to give their opinions. He talks with respect to everyone and talks in a simple way. Even though he is also a professional and very well educated like juror 4, he takes of his coat which makes him seem like the rest of the jury. At the beginning, unlike juror 4, he talks to everybody about personal things, we see this when he is at the window and he starts talking to juror 11. He is always socializing no matter who the other person is, even in the bathroom, he talks to two men and even tries to make them make sense of why he is doing what he is doing.
Another aspect of juror 4 is that he just kept thinking that the facts were there and that they determined the guiltiness of the defendant. “If we are going to discuss this case let’s discuss the facts” Juror 4 page 186. We are shown this when he starts saying that the boy said he was at the movies but he couldn’t even remember the movies he went to see. He thought the boy was lying because everyone who goes to a movie has to remember what they had seen and that was a fact for him. He didn’t accept that the boy might have been in shock and couldn’t remember. He stays with this idea about facts until the very end. He had to be convinced with facts. We see this when he says that their was a witness who saw the murder and that was everything he needed to know. The facts about the witness actually being able to see were the facts that made him change his mind, but still the had to be facts in order for him to believe them.
Juror 8 was a man of justice; he was not willing to prosecute a man without analyzing the facts deeply. “I’m not trying to change your mind. It’s just that we are talking of somebody’s life here. I mean, we can’t decide in five minutes. Supposing we’re wrong?” Juror 8 page 184. Although he believed the man was guilty at first, he stated that he hadn’t had a fair trial because he didn’t have a good lawyer. “I kept putting myself in the place of the boy. I would have asked for another lawyer, I think.” Juror 8 page1. He analyzes every fact and gets a possibility out of it and that is how he ends proving his innocence. Through out the whole play he shows his way of looking into the facts. For example when he even went to walk around the place and bought a knife that looked just like the murder weapon. He analyzed that anybody could have that knife no just the boy. Also when he analyzes the testimony of the old man. He ends up making a recreation about it to show that there might have been a chance he couldn’t look well enough to see who the murderer was. Also at the end, with the help of juror , he analyzes the woman’s testimony and ends up proving that the woman couldn’t see well because she didn’t have her eye glasses on.
Mind that the sample papers like 12 angry men presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Small Business
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Small Business even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Small Business in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
The Importance of Small Business
Entrepreneurs and their small businesses play an important role in the economy of the United States. Some people think of small business as the heart of the free enterprise system. Americans are free to try their hands at running their own business and watch their business dreams come true.
Facts about Entrepreneurs
· Keep economy strong by creating jobs
· Provide products and services
· Small businesses employ well over half of all working Americans
· Has helped the United States have a higher standard of living.
· Identifies and meets consumer needs.
· Creates competition between small business and large corporations.
· Creates a range of products and services.
According to the Internal Revenue Service, small businesses account for 44 percent of all the money collected by the tax agency annually. And according to the United States Small Business Administrations Office of Advocacy, between 10 and 15, small businesses created nearly 77 percent of net new jobs, while from 16 to 17, small businesses created about 76 percent of net new jobs.
Small enterprises also produced 55 percent of innovations, twice as many product innovations as large firms, and obtained more patents per sales dollar than large business.
who says the total number of home-based businesses was estimated as 81,0.
Small firms
· Represent more than .7 percent of all employers.
· Employ more than half of all private sector employees.
· Pay 44.5 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
· Generate 60 to 80 percent of net new jobs annually.
· Create more than 50 percent of nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).
· Supplied .8 percent of the total value of federal prime contracts (about $50 billion) in FY 001.
· Produce 1 to 14 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms. These patents are twice as likely as large firm patents to be among the one percent most cited.
· Are employers of percent of high tech workers (such as scientists, engineers, and computer workers).
· Are 5 percent home-based and percent franchises.
· Made up 7 percent of all identified exporters and produced percent of the known export value in FY 001.
Mind that the sample papers like Small Business presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
The Importance of Small Business
Entrepreneurs and their small businesses play an important role in the economy of the United States. Some people think of small business as the heart of the free enterprise system. Americans are free to try their hands at running their own business and watch their business dreams come true.
Facts about Entrepreneurs
· Keep economy strong by creating jobs
· Provide products and services
· Small businesses employ well over half of all working Americans
· Has helped the United States have a higher standard of living.
· Identifies and meets consumer needs.
· Creates competition between small business and large corporations.
· Creates a range of products and services.
According to the Internal Revenue Service, small businesses account for 44 percent of all the money collected by the tax agency annually. And according to the United States Small Business Administrations Office of Advocacy, between 10 and 15, small businesses created nearly 77 percent of net new jobs, while from 16 to 17, small businesses created about 76 percent of net new jobs.
Small enterprises also produced 55 percent of innovations, twice as many product innovations as large firms, and obtained more patents per sales dollar than large business.
who says the total number of home-based businesses was estimated as 81,0.
Small firms
· Represent more than .7 percent of all employers.
· Employ more than half of all private sector employees.
· Pay 44.5 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
· Generate 60 to 80 percent of net new jobs annually.
· Create more than 50 percent of nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).
· Supplied .8 percent of the total value of federal prime contracts (about $50 billion) in FY 001.
· Produce 1 to 14 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms. These patents are twice as likely as large firm patents to be among the one percent most cited.
· Are employers of percent of high tech workers (such as scientists, engineers, and computer workers).
· Are 5 percent home-based and percent franchises.
· Made up 7 percent of all identified exporters and produced percent of the known export value in FY 001.
Mind that the sample papers like Small Business presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Change Essay (GCSE B+)
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Change Essay (GCSE B+) even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Change Essay (GCSE B+) in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
I still remember that fateful day well, the day my whole life changed. I look
back at it now and I still cant find a rational explanation for the events that occurred.
At the time, I didn’t let many people know, even now many people don’t know. After
the incident, I moved here, a small rural village in the countryside, to get away from
the publicity that it caused. No one knew about my changes here, and they now only
exist, some fifty years later, as myths to the teenagers.
It all started when I was in my first year at college. I had many friends, I was a
member of the football team and I had a beautiful girlfriend. He name was Clara; her
long dark hair, extremely feminine figure and beautiful smile as well as a bubbly fun
personality made her the sweetest girl I have ever met. Back then my life was great. I
was very happy with my social status, my studies and my life.
I used to go out with friends to parties and bars, and we would have a great
time. I used to drink, I used to love it, but I was no addict. I never tried drugs either, I
didn’t see the point in taking such a risk in my life, and I would be taken off the team
immediately if the coach caught me. When we went out, we used to find little things
to do for a joke, things that would give us a cheap laugh at the time.
This one dark night Clara, Dufty and Matchu and I went out for a few beers.
We left the bar at around midnight and headed towards our college. About a quarter of
the way into the thirty-minute walk, there is a shortcut, which goes across a few fields
and through an old wood. We had been down there in daylight, but tonight was
different. It was very dark, the sky cloudless and the light from the huge full moon
flooded the landscape and lit everything with an eerie blue tint. The trees were
standing tall, the shadows intruding the roads. We could hear only the sounds of the
nightlife, and the odd passing car.
It was suggested by Dufty that we should take the shortcut. Matchu agreed,
Clara didn’t, and I didn’t really mind, but we decided to go down the old path
nevertheless. We started walking through the fields, laughing and joking, running
around and generally having a good time. We walked for a while, as we came to the
entrance to the wood. We looked up the path, and it was pitch black, the moonlight
only braking through the trees in scarce patches. Clara was protesting, and wanted to
turn back, but it was a good forty minutes back to the apartment from here if we went
back, but only ten if we continued. We promised that we would take care of Clara and
she reluctantly agreed to walk on.
As we got deeper into the forest, the eeriness made me on edge, and my
stomach turned at every slight noise. We were walking along, and the path that we
were following slowly started fading like the looks of excitement on our faces, until
we were walking around hopelessly in the forest. We walked for a good ten minutes
and there was still no sign of the other side of the forest. By now we had started to get
worried, as we were sure we were lost. None of what we could see was like we
thought it should be.
We didn’t want to alarm the others by mentioning anything, but inside we
were all thinking the same thoughts. Eventually Clara said that she thought we were
lost, and that she was petrified. Our minds had started to play tricks on us, and we
would think we saw something up to such a degree that we would bet our lives on it.
My stomach was in knots. I felt sick, and my eyes were hurting from the strain
of trying to see in this dark dingy place. After another ten minutes we were in a right
state. I was sure that something was following us, but the rest of the group didn’t pay
any attention. It turned out that I was right.
It all happened in a flash, I could hear the cracking of sticks behind me, so I
turned round and there was nothing there. I heard the noises again merely two seconds
later and I turned round again to see this monstrous figure towering over me. I was
completely shocked. This huge eight foot tall creature was standing just a few yards
away from me. He stood, his evil glaring eyes staring straight at me. His huge
muscular body supported on equally strong legs. He had tiny scrawny arms, on which
razor-sharp claws were sticking out an inch or two. All I could focus on was his white
teeth, drool covered and penetrating his pointy nose. If I wasn’t mistaken, he looked
like a werewolf!
Before I had chance to even scream he charged at me. The others then noticed
him and fled in all directions away from the beast. As he pounced me I could hear a
rusty growling noise, then I felt his body weight on top of me. This was the last thing
that I noticed before I passed out.
When I regained consciousness I was laying on the floor, the very same spot
that I had landed on. I looked at my body, and everything appeared to be normal. I
couldn’t feel any pain at all. By this time the forest was nearly completely light, and I
could feel the dampness on dawn on the cold floor that I was lying on. I slowly rose to
my feel, looking around in every direction for the monster that I could vaguely
remember. I then thought of Clara, and the others. I made a promise to her that
nothing would happen, and if it did that I would protect her.
I ran in any direction shouting her name as I frantically searched for her. After
quite a while, I noticed the path, which I followed. Shortly after, I was out of the
forest and running down the street to our college. On arrival I found that all of my
friends who were with me were there. I ran over to them and asked them what had
happened. They looked confused, and replied that nothing had happened to them. I
told them again, trying to get them to remember but they insisted that I had just
disappeared. I was confused, they couldn’t remember anything that happened that
night, and they couldn’t remember getting either. They all said that they awoke this
morning in heir beds, and that the night before they went out and I was not with them.
I looked at them blankly. I know what had happened. I thought at first that it
was all some kind of big joke. Either they couldn’t remember anything, or I was
wrong. But how could I be. I was sure of what happened, it was so real, and if it was
some kind of a dream, why was I in the forest this morning. Something very weird
was going on.
After a few days of confusion and discussion, I thought that it must have been
some kind of a joke. The attack was a dream, and they had moved me into the forest
as a joke whilst I was sleeping. It was then I first saw the funny side and I felt
relieved, like a huge load was lifted off my back. A week later, and everything was
forgotten about. My life continued as normal and no one said anything. I thought that
it was all over at this, but no, something far worse was about to happen to me.
It was morning and I woke up as usual. I dressed, and ate and got ready for the
day. We were going to go down to the football stadium to watch a game, and have a
few beers after in the pub. The first thing that I thought was unusual was that my leg
was stinging. I looked at where the pain was coming from but there was no sign of
any cut or mark. It didn’t hurt that much, and I wasn’t going to let it ruin my day. We
went to the game as usual and on the way home we stopped at a bar. Outside, it was
late afternoon and the sun was just setting. I had a couple of pints in the bar, and then
we decided to have a dance. This was grate fun, except that the pain in my leg had got
worse. I went to the toilet to have a look. When I got in there, I looked and again
everything seemed to be normal.
I opened the window, to get some fresh air and all I could see was the huge
full moon filling the sky. It was just like that night, exactly a month ago today. As
soon as the moonlight hit me the pain in my leg was excruciating. I could feel my
body tingling. I looked at my hands and they had changed. I ran quickly to the mirror
and I looked at my face. I gave myself such a fright. I blinked once or twice but the
picture was still the same.
In the mirror all I could see was the image of a monster, exactly like the one I
saw in the forest, the one that attacked me. I couldn’t believe it. I looked down at my
hands and my feet. It was true. I had changed into some kind of beast. I heard
someone coming into the room so I hid in a toilet cubicle. After a minute or so he left
and that is all I could remember. All I could feel was my mind loosing control of my
body. I was walking towards the window and I couldn’t stop myself.
The next day I woke up in a garden shed. I sneaked out and got back to the
college apartments. I could remember turning into a werewolf, and loosing control
over my body but I could not remember what had happened. When I got there I got in
bed and pretended to be asleep. If I told them the truth they would thing that I was
crazy. I didn’t want to end up in some sort of nut home. When I heard the others get
up I went down into the kitchen with them. They were reading a paper, laughing
about the headline. I walked over and peered around at the national paper. I was
completely shocked.
“WEREWOLF ATTACKS IN TEXAS”. I couldn’t believe that it said. I read
it again but still it didn’t change. All of my friends were laughing and joking then they
asked me why I dashed off last night. I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t tell the
truth. I just said that I felt really ill and I went home. They all accepted the story and
they didn’t thing anything of it.
The next week was all talk about the so-called werewolf in our town. Because
there were no signs of it for this long it was slowly forgotten and excuses were made
for the sightings. I thought back to both of my experiences. In each case there was a
werewolf and the first time I was attacked, and the second time I was the werewolf. I
had read stories about these kinds of things so I concluded that I must have been
bitten, and had the werewolf passed to me. Then I thought of my leg and the
moonlight. The wolf must have bitten me on my leg, and on the day of the full moon I
could feel it hurting. The light of the full moon must trigger the werewolf tendencies.
Although I had an explanation of my own there were still a few questions
unanswered. Why didn’t the others remember the attack, and why couldn’t I control
my body?
It wasn’t until a few days later that Matchu put two and two together and
mentioned as a joke that I was obsessed with werewolves. After he said this it got the
others thinking, and I overheard a conversation between them saying that they should
report me to somebody before the next full moon. If they did do this, and I was
caught, I would be tested and caged up. My freedom would be killed. I thought that I
have got to get away. I have got to leave them behind before its too late. That day I
packed my clothes and possessions in my car and set off, leaving nothing behind
except a note. I said that I was leaving because work was too hard.
I’m not sure whether they tried looking for me in the end. I travelled north and
rented a place in a small village. I got a job settled down. It turned out that there was a
werewolf hunt, and that somehow the press had had information about a werewolf.
All fingers pointed to my so-called friends, but I didn’t care anymore, I had moved
From then on, every full moon, I had to stay inside, hiding from the
moonlight. I don’t know if I still have the werewolf in me, but I am now willing to
test it out. My old life was great, but one event changed everything. I had become
something else, and there was no cure. I just had to live with it.
Mind that the sample papers like Change Essay (GCSE B+) presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
I still remember that fateful day well, the day my whole life changed. I look
back at it now and I still cant find a rational explanation for the events that occurred.
At the time, I didn’t let many people know, even now many people don’t know. After
the incident, I moved here, a small rural village in the countryside, to get away from
the publicity that it caused. No one knew about my changes here, and they now only
exist, some fifty years later, as myths to the teenagers.
It all started when I was in my first year at college. I had many friends, I was a
member of the football team and I had a beautiful girlfriend. He name was Clara; her
long dark hair, extremely feminine figure and beautiful smile as well as a bubbly fun
personality made her the sweetest girl I have ever met. Back then my life was great. I
was very happy with my social status, my studies and my life.
I used to go out with friends to parties and bars, and we would have a great
time. I used to drink, I used to love it, but I was no addict. I never tried drugs either, I
didn’t see the point in taking such a risk in my life, and I would be taken off the team
immediately if the coach caught me. When we went out, we used to find little things
to do for a joke, things that would give us a cheap laugh at the time.
This one dark night Clara, Dufty and Matchu and I went out for a few beers.
We left the bar at around midnight and headed towards our college. About a quarter of
the way into the thirty-minute walk, there is a shortcut, which goes across a few fields
and through an old wood. We had been down there in daylight, but tonight was
different. It was very dark, the sky cloudless and the light from the huge full moon
flooded the landscape and lit everything with an eerie blue tint. The trees were
standing tall, the shadows intruding the roads. We could hear only the sounds of the
nightlife, and the odd passing car.
It was suggested by Dufty that we should take the shortcut. Matchu agreed,
Clara didn’t, and I didn’t really mind, but we decided to go down the old path
nevertheless. We started walking through the fields, laughing and joking, running
around and generally having a good time. We walked for a while, as we came to the
entrance to the wood. We looked up the path, and it was pitch black, the moonlight
only braking through the trees in scarce patches. Clara was protesting, and wanted to
turn back, but it was a good forty minutes back to the apartment from here if we went
back, but only ten if we continued. We promised that we would take care of Clara and
she reluctantly agreed to walk on.
As we got deeper into the forest, the eeriness made me on edge, and my
stomach turned at every slight noise. We were walking along, and the path that we
were following slowly started fading like the looks of excitement on our faces, until
we were walking around hopelessly in the forest. We walked for a good ten minutes
and there was still no sign of the other side of the forest. By now we had started to get
worried, as we were sure we were lost. None of what we could see was like we
thought it should be.
We didn’t want to alarm the others by mentioning anything, but inside we
were all thinking the same thoughts. Eventually Clara said that she thought we were
lost, and that she was petrified. Our minds had started to play tricks on us, and we
would think we saw something up to such a degree that we would bet our lives on it.
My stomach was in knots. I felt sick, and my eyes were hurting from the strain
of trying to see in this dark dingy place. After another ten minutes we were in a right
state. I was sure that something was following us, but the rest of the group didn’t pay
any attention. It turned out that I was right.
It all happened in a flash, I could hear the cracking of sticks behind me, so I
turned round and there was nothing there. I heard the noises again merely two seconds
later and I turned round again to see this monstrous figure towering over me. I was
completely shocked. This huge eight foot tall creature was standing just a few yards
away from me. He stood, his evil glaring eyes staring straight at me. His huge
muscular body supported on equally strong legs. He had tiny scrawny arms, on which
razor-sharp claws were sticking out an inch or two. All I could focus on was his white
teeth, drool covered and penetrating his pointy nose. If I wasn’t mistaken, he looked
like a werewolf!
Before I had chance to even scream he charged at me. The others then noticed
him and fled in all directions away from the beast. As he pounced me I could hear a
rusty growling noise, then I felt his body weight on top of me. This was the last thing
that I noticed before I passed out.
When I regained consciousness I was laying on the floor, the very same spot
that I had landed on. I looked at my body, and everything appeared to be normal. I
couldn’t feel any pain at all. By this time the forest was nearly completely light, and I
could feel the dampness on dawn on the cold floor that I was lying on. I slowly rose to
my feel, looking around in every direction for the monster that I could vaguely
remember. I then thought of Clara, and the others. I made a promise to her that
nothing would happen, and if it did that I would protect her.
I ran in any direction shouting her name as I frantically searched for her. After
quite a while, I noticed the path, which I followed. Shortly after, I was out of the
forest and running down the street to our college. On arrival I found that all of my
friends who were with me were there. I ran over to them and asked them what had
happened. They looked confused, and replied that nothing had happened to them. I
told them again, trying to get them to remember but they insisted that I had just
disappeared. I was confused, they couldn’t remember anything that happened that
night, and they couldn’t remember getting either. They all said that they awoke this
morning in heir beds, and that the night before they went out and I was not with them.
I looked at them blankly. I know what had happened. I thought at first that it
was all some kind of big joke. Either they couldn’t remember anything, or I was
wrong. But how could I be. I was sure of what happened, it was so real, and if it was
some kind of a dream, why was I in the forest this morning. Something very weird
was going on.
After a few days of confusion and discussion, I thought that it must have been
some kind of a joke. The attack was a dream, and they had moved me into the forest
as a joke whilst I was sleeping. It was then I first saw the funny side and I felt
relieved, like a huge load was lifted off my back. A week later, and everything was
forgotten about. My life continued as normal and no one said anything. I thought that
it was all over at this, but no, something far worse was about to happen to me.
It was morning and I woke up as usual. I dressed, and ate and got ready for the
day. We were going to go down to the football stadium to watch a game, and have a
few beers after in the pub. The first thing that I thought was unusual was that my leg
was stinging. I looked at where the pain was coming from but there was no sign of
any cut or mark. It didn’t hurt that much, and I wasn’t going to let it ruin my day. We
went to the game as usual and on the way home we stopped at a bar. Outside, it was
late afternoon and the sun was just setting. I had a couple of pints in the bar, and then
we decided to have a dance. This was grate fun, except that the pain in my leg had got
worse. I went to the toilet to have a look. When I got in there, I looked and again
everything seemed to be normal.
I opened the window, to get some fresh air and all I could see was the huge
full moon filling the sky. It was just like that night, exactly a month ago today. As
soon as the moonlight hit me the pain in my leg was excruciating. I could feel my
body tingling. I looked at my hands and they had changed. I ran quickly to the mirror
and I looked at my face. I gave myself such a fright. I blinked once or twice but the
picture was still the same.
In the mirror all I could see was the image of a monster, exactly like the one I
saw in the forest, the one that attacked me. I couldn’t believe it. I looked down at my
hands and my feet. It was true. I had changed into some kind of beast. I heard
someone coming into the room so I hid in a toilet cubicle. After a minute or so he left
and that is all I could remember. All I could feel was my mind loosing control of my
body. I was walking towards the window and I couldn’t stop myself.
The next day I woke up in a garden shed. I sneaked out and got back to the
college apartments. I could remember turning into a werewolf, and loosing control
over my body but I could not remember what had happened. When I got there I got in
bed and pretended to be asleep. If I told them the truth they would thing that I was
crazy. I didn’t want to end up in some sort of nut home. When I heard the others get
up I went down into the kitchen with them. They were reading a paper, laughing
about the headline. I walked over and peered around at the national paper. I was
completely shocked.
“WEREWOLF ATTACKS IN TEXAS”. I couldn’t believe that it said. I read
it again but still it didn’t change. All of my friends were laughing and joking then they
asked me why I dashed off last night. I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t tell the
truth. I just said that I felt really ill and I went home. They all accepted the story and
they didn’t thing anything of it.
The next week was all talk about the so-called werewolf in our town. Because
there were no signs of it for this long it was slowly forgotten and excuses were made
for the sightings. I thought back to both of my experiences. In each case there was a
werewolf and the first time I was attacked, and the second time I was the werewolf. I
had read stories about these kinds of things so I concluded that I must have been
bitten, and had the werewolf passed to me. Then I thought of my leg and the
moonlight. The wolf must have bitten me on my leg, and on the day of the full moon I
could feel it hurting. The light of the full moon must trigger the werewolf tendencies.
Although I had an explanation of my own there were still a few questions
unanswered. Why didn’t the others remember the attack, and why couldn’t I control
my body?
It wasn’t until a few days later that Matchu put two and two together and
mentioned as a joke that I was obsessed with werewolves. After he said this it got the
others thinking, and I overheard a conversation between them saying that they should
report me to somebody before the next full moon. If they did do this, and I was
caught, I would be tested and caged up. My freedom would be killed. I thought that I
have got to get away. I have got to leave them behind before its too late. That day I
packed my clothes and possessions in my car and set off, leaving nothing behind
except a note. I said that I was leaving because work was too hard.
I’m not sure whether they tried looking for me in the end. I travelled north and
rented a place in a small village. I got a job settled down. It turned out that there was a
werewolf hunt, and that somehow the press had had information about a werewolf.
All fingers pointed to my so-called friends, but I didn’t care anymore, I had moved
From then on, every full moon, I had to stay inside, hiding from the
moonlight. I don’t know if I still have the werewolf in me, but I am now willing to
test it out. My old life was great, but one event changed everything. I had become
something else, and there was no cure. I just had to live with it.
Mind that the sample papers like Change Essay (GCSE B+) presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
hellenistic art
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like hellenistic art even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like hellenistic art in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Pride of Hellenistic Art
The Hellenistic period has no exact dates to limit its boundaries; rather it has a few hundred years where we can approximate its existence. The dates that are most closely associated with this period are approximately 00-100 BC. The end of the classical era leads to the new innovations and the use of new preferences that are now known in Hellenistic art. Examining some of the great works of Hellenistic sculptures, we will see some of the changes from classical era to that of Hellenistic.
In order to understand the shift from the classical era to the Hellenistic there are a few factors that must be known. This is a time where the political structure in Greece had shifted. It is now under a Divine Monarch as before it was a Democracy. This has all come about with the death of Alexander the Great. This new Monarch had come into effect at a time where there was great flourishing in the states of Greece. The military had much success in raiding neighboring cities. This aided in the acquirement of wealth. Greeks were always a people who were intense with there culture and love of art, so it could only be expected that this new age would lead to beautification of there cities, palaces, temples and homes with wonderful art.
The earliest piece we will be discussing is the, “Sarcophagus of the Mourning Women.” This piece cannot be dated solidly, but it is believed to have been created in the latter part of the fourth century BC. It stands about 70 inches high and 104 inches long. The details of this Sarcophagus that interest us are the women who are carved in the frieze. Around the whole exterior there are 18 women but we will concentrate on . The Sarcophagus belonged to a king whose name is unknown. The women who are sculpted are meant to represent his grieving wives and concubines of the late king.
One of the main changes from classical art to Hellenic is that from idealistic to realistic. These grieving women are perfect examples. Each woman appears similar in their clothing, hairstyles, proportions and facial features, but each one is still very different. The most noted differences would be their stance and facial expression. They all come across as mournful but each does so in their own way. The first woman has a hand on her breast and the other bent towards herself. Her right knee is buckled. Her head is slightly turned to the left and pointed downward. All of these details are used frequently throughout Hellenistic art. The human body bends and turns and so to make a realistic representation the statue must mimic the poses of the human body. We see the experimentation of the agility of the body more so in the other two statues. The second is leaning on something and her legs are crossed and stretched out towards the right. Her neck and head are twisted to the left. Her left arm embraces her body while the other is erected towards her face. The third one stands with her whole body twisted tot he right and her right hand holding her vale to her eyes as if an attempt to dry her tears. Her left hand is across her abdomen. All of these poses are creative but realistically showing the emotions that would be set forth in a time of grievance.
Faces prior to this period can be categorized as expressionless, which these women are definitely not. The facial expression on each speaks to us. We know by the detail in the first women’s forehead that sees in feeling pain. The second has a gaze stare into nothing. The third is meant to be crying, so we cannot even see her eyes. The mouths are emotionless.
As we begun to express the attention brought to realism in are we can go further into this idea by mention the piece, “The Old Drunken Women.” This piece not only is a prime example of realism in Hellenistic art, but also in the living of everyday life. Myron did this piece. What the title indicates is exactly what is offered by the sculpture. It uses the theme of “everyday life” which had become a favorite of the Hellenistic artists. The piece especially captures the vulgarity of an elderly woman who has had too much to drink. The new notion is that the youthful faces of idealized classic art have been replaced by those which are not meant to be attractive just realistic so if you were to see the subject in person. This sculpture probable resembles the women unlike the idealized sculptures such of those of Alexander the Great.
Her head is raised up and eyes widened. She clasps her jug of wine with a death grip. It appears that this wine is her dearest possession since her knees are spread almost appearing to be gripping the jug as well. The angle in which her head placed gives the implication that she is already in a drunken state. Her head is slung back as if her neck is incapable of holding it up. The detailed wrinkles of her face are unattractive yet it is hard not to stare at them. The jug that she has is detailed as well with flowers of some sort engraved. Her skin also is impressive. The artist did well by exposing the bones and letting her skin hang off of them. Her attire is well designed as well as the positioning of it. The way in which the linen is falling off of her shoulder goes further to prove that she is in a drunken state.
“Crouching Aphrodite,” was sculpted originally by a sculpture called Doidalas who was from Bythinia. It originally dates to about 50-40 BC. The original was probably done in bronze and had Eros holding a mirror up to her. We have the Roman copies to admire, which there are many around. The one that we will use can be found in museo Nazionale delle Terme in Rome. If we were unaware that this was a Roman copy we could figure it out when noticing the support piece located under the left thigh. This sculptor is also known as the Venus Od Vienna. Aphrodite was often depicted nude or partially clothed. She is usually associated with bathing probably since the myth of her birth has her being born from the ocean. This piece has been critiqued as Aphrodite getting ready to bathe as well. It has many Roman copies that included the one we are examining. In context to the Hellenistic world, this Aphrodite helps in promoting the Greeks concerns with sexuality. The Hellenistic world opens doors to the new and popular interest in sexuality. It had been acceptable for men to be depicted nude for centuries, but there is a new appreciation for the woman’s body in art. It is common to have nude, partial nude and bodies that have cloths that cling to the body rather than covering it. Aphrodite, being the goddess of love, both sexual and spiritual, is the perfect model for such a range.
We see Aphrodite crouched and twisted in such a particular way. Her body today would be described as plump although at the time in Greece it could only be assumed that it was the object of beauty for so many bodies in art were voluptuous and meaty so to say. Aphrodite also being the goddess of love could not bear a figure that was unattractive as well. Her lower back and buttocks seems out of proportion. They are rather large when compared to the head and limbs. Her breasts are full and prominent giving her youthfulness. My favorite aspect of this sculpture would have to be her stomach. She is not fat, but her stomach has wrinkles. The way in which her torso turns realistically depicts the actual way that her stomach would look. It is hard not to appreciate the artists tedious work when admiring the way her head is turn in the opposite direction of her torso.
Movement is also one of the greatest advances in Hellenistic art. We see movement in this era through many scenes of violence. These scenes are a great example of the movement that has metamorphoses in art, but the Greeks have also managed to utilize movement to show images of grace. In no way has it been better portrayed then in sculpture of “Victory of Samothrace”. It is almost unfair to try to describe its beauty on paper.
This sculpture is of the goddess Nike, whose name means victory. This particular statue of her was made approximately 180-160 BC. The battle in which it stood victoriously for is unknown as well as the artist who created it. We know that this does stand for a navel victory since it was made sit at the Prow of a ship. It is widely believed that an artist from Rhodes created her. This idea comes from the fact that the marble used to make her came from the island of Rhodes. She can be found at the Louvre in Paris. She is known to be, the most copied Greek statue and the most recognized.
Her body is extremely sexual. As was mentioned before it was common to draw sex appear by the way a femme wore her cloths. It appears as if a gust of wind is attacking her head on. The draperies smooth out to reveal the curves of her breast. It is hard to believe that she is not clothed in linen the way in which the marble crinkles. She originally is holding a wreath in one of her hands.
Weather it be a piece that mimics its model, creates seemingly impossible movements, captures the beauty of a nude body or be a product of everyday life, the growth in the world of art cannot be ignored. Hellenistic art was truly a genius age where sculptures and other forms of art would captivate the admirers.
Mind that the sample papers like hellenistic art presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Pride of Hellenistic Art
The Hellenistic period has no exact dates to limit its boundaries; rather it has a few hundred years where we can approximate its existence. The dates that are most closely associated with this period are approximately 00-100 BC. The end of the classical era leads to the new innovations and the use of new preferences that are now known in Hellenistic art. Examining some of the great works of Hellenistic sculptures, we will see some of the changes from classical era to that of Hellenistic.
In order to understand the shift from the classical era to the Hellenistic there are a few factors that must be known. This is a time where the political structure in Greece had shifted. It is now under a Divine Monarch as before it was a Democracy. This has all come about with the death of Alexander the Great. This new Monarch had come into effect at a time where there was great flourishing in the states of Greece. The military had much success in raiding neighboring cities. This aided in the acquirement of wealth. Greeks were always a people who were intense with there culture and love of art, so it could only be expected that this new age would lead to beautification of there cities, palaces, temples and homes with wonderful art.
The earliest piece we will be discussing is the, “Sarcophagus of the Mourning Women.” This piece cannot be dated solidly, but it is believed to have been created in the latter part of the fourth century BC. It stands about 70 inches high and 104 inches long. The details of this Sarcophagus that interest us are the women who are carved in the frieze. Around the whole exterior there are 18 women but we will concentrate on . The Sarcophagus belonged to a king whose name is unknown. The women who are sculpted are meant to represent his grieving wives and concubines of the late king.
One of the main changes from classical art to Hellenic is that from idealistic to realistic. These grieving women are perfect examples. Each woman appears similar in their clothing, hairstyles, proportions and facial features, but each one is still very different. The most noted differences would be their stance and facial expression. They all come across as mournful but each does so in their own way. The first woman has a hand on her breast and the other bent towards herself. Her right knee is buckled. Her head is slightly turned to the left and pointed downward. All of these details are used frequently throughout Hellenistic art. The human body bends and turns and so to make a realistic representation the statue must mimic the poses of the human body. We see the experimentation of the agility of the body more so in the other two statues. The second is leaning on something and her legs are crossed and stretched out towards the right. Her neck and head are twisted to the left. Her left arm embraces her body while the other is erected towards her face. The third one stands with her whole body twisted tot he right and her right hand holding her vale to her eyes as if an attempt to dry her tears. Her left hand is across her abdomen. All of these poses are creative but realistically showing the emotions that would be set forth in a time of grievance.
Faces prior to this period can be categorized as expressionless, which these women are definitely not. The facial expression on each speaks to us. We know by the detail in the first women’s forehead that sees in feeling pain. The second has a gaze stare into nothing. The third is meant to be crying, so we cannot even see her eyes. The mouths are emotionless.
As we begun to express the attention brought to realism in are we can go further into this idea by mention the piece, “The Old Drunken Women.” This piece not only is a prime example of realism in Hellenistic art, but also in the living of everyday life. Myron did this piece. What the title indicates is exactly what is offered by the sculpture. It uses the theme of “everyday life” which had become a favorite of the Hellenistic artists. The piece especially captures the vulgarity of an elderly woman who has had too much to drink. The new notion is that the youthful faces of idealized classic art have been replaced by those which are not meant to be attractive just realistic so if you were to see the subject in person. This sculpture probable resembles the women unlike the idealized sculptures such of those of Alexander the Great.
Her head is raised up and eyes widened. She clasps her jug of wine with a death grip. It appears that this wine is her dearest possession since her knees are spread almost appearing to be gripping the jug as well. The angle in which her head placed gives the implication that she is already in a drunken state. Her head is slung back as if her neck is incapable of holding it up. The detailed wrinkles of her face are unattractive yet it is hard not to stare at them. The jug that she has is detailed as well with flowers of some sort engraved. Her skin also is impressive. The artist did well by exposing the bones and letting her skin hang off of them. Her attire is well designed as well as the positioning of it. The way in which the linen is falling off of her shoulder goes further to prove that she is in a drunken state.
“Crouching Aphrodite,” was sculpted originally by a sculpture called Doidalas who was from Bythinia. It originally dates to about 50-40 BC. The original was probably done in bronze and had Eros holding a mirror up to her. We have the Roman copies to admire, which there are many around. The one that we will use can be found in museo Nazionale delle Terme in Rome. If we were unaware that this was a Roman copy we could figure it out when noticing the support piece located under the left thigh. This sculptor is also known as the Venus Od Vienna. Aphrodite was often depicted nude or partially clothed. She is usually associated with bathing probably since the myth of her birth has her being born from the ocean. This piece has been critiqued as Aphrodite getting ready to bathe as well. It has many Roman copies that included the one we are examining. In context to the Hellenistic world, this Aphrodite helps in promoting the Greeks concerns with sexuality. The Hellenistic world opens doors to the new and popular interest in sexuality. It had been acceptable for men to be depicted nude for centuries, but there is a new appreciation for the woman’s body in art. It is common to have nude, partial nude and bodies that have cloths that cling to the body rather than covering it. Aphrodite, being the goddess of love, both sexual and spiritual, is the perfect model for such a range.
We see Aphrodite crouched and twisted in such a particular way. Her body today would be described as plump although at the time in Greece it could only be assumed that it was the object of beauty for so many bodies in art were voluptuous and meaty so to say. Aphrodite also being the goddess of love could not bear a figure that was unattractive as well. Her lower back and buttocks seems out of proportion. They are rather large when compared to the head and limbs. Her breasts are full and prominent giving her youthfulness. My favorite aspect of this sculpture would have to be her stomach. She is not fat, but her stomach has wrinkles. The way in which her torso turns realistically depicts the actual way that her stomach would look. It is hard not to appreciate the artists tedious work when admiring the way her head is turn in the opposite direction of her torso.
Movement is also one of the greatest advances in Hellenistic art. We see movement in this era through many scenes of violence. These scenes are a great example of the movement that has metamorphoses in art, but the Greeks have also managed to utilize movement to show images of grace. In no way has it been better portrayed then in sculpture of “Victory of Samothrace”. It is almost unfair to try to describe its beauty on paper.
This sculpture is of the goddess Nike, whose name means victory. This particular statue of her was made approximately 180-160 BC. The battle in which it stood victoriously for is unknown as well as the artist who created it. We know that this does stand for a navel victory since it was made sit at the Prow of a ship. It is widely believed that an artist from Rhodes created her. This idea comes from the fact that the marble used to make her came from the island of Rhodes. She can be found at the Louvre in Paris. She is known to be, the most copied Greek statue and the most recognized.
Her body is extremely sexual. As was mentioned before it was common to draw sex appear by the way a femme wore her cloths. It appears as if a gust of wind is attacking her head on. The draperies smooth out to reveal the curves of her breast. It is hard to believe that she is not clothed in linen the way in which the marble crinkles. She originally is holding a wreath in one of her hands.
Weather it be a piece that mimics its model, creates seemingly impossible movements, captures the beauty of a nude body or be a product of everyday life, the growth in the world of art cannot be ignored. Hellenistic art was truly a genius age where sculptures and other forms of art would captivate the admirers.
Mind that the sample papers like hellenistic art presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Friday, August 10, 2012
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Bookstore even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Bookstore in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
All bookstores offer a variety of publications, which include art, entertainment, fiction, health, history, sports, travel, and etc. However, not all of these bookstores are exactly the same. Some offers good services with comfortable reading areas. Some offers special interests for consumers. In this paper, I compare and analyze one chain bookstore, Chapters, with one independent secondhand bookstore, Macleod¡¦s Books. I also discuss the physical aspects, the Canadian sections, and cooking categories from both bookstores. Lastly, I compare the top five bestsellers between Chapters and a local grocery store since there are no top five bestsellers in Macleod¡¦s Books.
I visited Chapters and Macleod¡¦s Books on October 6th, 00. Chapters is located on the intersection of Broadway and Granville in Vancouver urban area. It is flanked by restaurants, retail outlets, clubs, and coffee shops. Chapters attracts more customers by convenient transportation because there is a bus stop in front of the store. From the outside of Chapters, the view inside is impressive and magnificent. Windows go all the way to the floor to illuminate the interior clearly. Cashier and bestsellers are placed with wood tables and bookcases under high ceiling. It does utilize Starbucks in the back of the store with simple tables and soft couches, provides customers a rest area to sit and read. Elevator and escalator along the wall bring customers upstairs. Second floors contain books for different categories. Red tinted wood bookcases line in the order with thousands of publications. Books are classified by genres. The names of each classification hung from the ceiling and make it obvious for people to find each section. Each section is subdivided into subcategories first and the books in each group are alphabetically organized by author¡¦s last name for maximum efficiency when trying to find books. Major sections are fiction, nonfiction, history, cooking, and etc. They are divided into science fiction, fiction and literature, teen fiction, Canadian cooking, Chinese food, Canadian history, Japanese history, and etc. Hard cover books are more common in sections like cooking, history, travel, children¡¦s books, new fiction and nonfiction. Approximately 1/4 of the stock consists of hard cover books. In addition, there is a section especially for music, DVD, magazine, and Halloween commodities for holiday promotion. Chapters also offer good services and advices by online catalog search system and friendly employees. If a book is out of stock, the employees will check other Chapters¡¦ stocks and order for you.
Macleod¡¦s Books, a second hand bookstore, is located on the intersection of Pender and Richard in City Center. There are colleges and office buildings around the bookstore. The store is a little bit far from shopping areas. Therefore, it is not very popular compare to Chapters. The whole bookstore appears really old in its exterior and interior. Windows seem dusty, the door is worn, the tall bookcases and tables are old-fashioned. There are stacks of used books on the floor everywhere, and bookcases are lined very close to each other. Its vintage style gives you a unique feeling like you travel to the past century. Books are divided into sections by genres like poetry, fiction, history, cooking, and etc. Its genres are not as many as Chapters¡¦. Only big sections like history and fiction are divided into subcategories, for example, Canadian history and other countries¡¦ history. Books in each subcategory are organized by author¡¦s last name from A to Z. Books are not organized by any rules in small sections like cooking and design. According to the employee, Sarah, there are too many used books in the store that it would be impossible to organize them all into detail divisions, especially the store only carry one copy for most books. There are no special services like computer catalog, but friendly employees will give advices to customers. Compare with the layout of Chapters, customers have to spend more time on finding books in Macleod¡¦s Books. The hardcover books consist about 1/4 of the stocks, and some of them are collectable ones. If a book is not in stock, most likely the employee can¡¦t order it because their books are not published anymore.
Both Chapters and Macleod¡¦s Books have a Canadiana section. In Chapters, it is located obviously beside Starbucks and the escalator in the first floor. Most books in Canadiana section are displayed with hard covers on special designed shelves. There are different sections, which include local interest, regional features, award winners, local authors, recommended books, cooking and wine. It emphasizes on local interest and regional features for visitors to find out the beauty of our country. According to the employee, Julie, the purpose of Canadiana section is to promote Canadian culture and the books from local authors. Canadiana section in Macleod¡¦s Books emphasizes different books from what Chapters does. Its Canadiana section is located right at the entrance, and it is about 1/ of the stocks. Books are classified into Canadian poetry, Canadian fiction, and Canadian history. Unlike Chapters, Macleod¡¦s Books emphasizes Canadian literatures.
The cooking category in Chapters is quiet a big section, but it only occupies not even half shelf in Macleod¡¦s Books. In Chapters, cooking books are classified into subcategories like Jewish cooking, Indian cooking, Thai cooking, Canadian cooking and etc. Canadian cooking books are all written by Canadian authors and issued by Canadian publishers. About 10% of the cooking books are Canadian books. Most of them are set apart with the others in Canadian cooking, but some are mixed in with others if they specialize in some typical kind of food. For example, one or two Canadian books can also be found in other subcategories like Vegetarian. They are classified in Vegetarian instead of Canadian cooking because it mainly focuses on Vegetarian.
Mind that the sample papers like Bookstore presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
All bookstores offer a variety of publications, which include art, entertainment, fiction, health, history, sports, travel, and etc. However, not all of these bookstores are exactly the same. Some offers good services with comfortable reading areas. Some offers special interests for consumers. In this paper, I compare and analyze one chain bookstore, Chapters, with one independent secondhand bookstore, Macleod¡¦s Books. I also discuss the physical aspects, the Canadian sections, and cooking categories from both bookstores. Lastly, I compare the top five bestsellers between Chapters and a local grocery store since there are no top five bestsellers in Macleod¡¦s Books.
I visited Chapters and Macleod¡¦s Books on October 6th, 00. Chapters is located on the intersection of Broadway and Granville in Vancouver urban area. It is flanked by restaurants, retail outlets, clubs, and coffee shops. Chapters attracts more customers by convenient transportation because there is a bus stop in front of the store. From the outside of Chapters, the view inside is impressive and magnificent. Windows go all the way to the floor to illuminate the interior clearly. Cashier and bestsellers are placed with wood tables and bookcases under high ceiling. It does utilize Starbucks in the back of the store with simple tables and soft couches, provides customers a rest area to sit and read. Elevator and escalator along the wall bring customers upstairs. Second floors contain books for different categories. Red tinted wood bookcases line in the order with thousands of publications. Books are classified by genres. The names of each classification hung from the ceiling and make it obvious for people to find each section. Each section is subdivided into subcategories first and the books in each group are alphabetically organized by author¡¦s last name for maximum efficiency when trying to find books. Major sections are fiction, nonfiction, history, cooking, and etc. They are divided into science fiction, fiction and literature, teen fiction, Canadian cooking, Chinese food, Canadian history, Japanese history, and etc. Hard cover books are more common in sections like cooking, history, travel, children¡¦s books, new fiction and nonfiction. Approximately 1/4 of the stock consists of hard cover books. In addition, there is a section especially for music, DVD, magazine, and Halloween commodities for holiday promotion. Chapters also offer good services and advices by online catalog search system and friendly employees. If a book is out of stock, the employees will check other Chapters¡¦ stocks and order for you.
Macleod¡¦s Books, a second hand bookstore, is located on the intersection of Pender and Richard in City Center. There are colleges and office buildings around the bookstore. The store is a little bit far from shopping areas. Therefore, it is not very popular compare to Chapters. The whole bookstore appears really old in its exterior and interior. Windows seem dusty, the door is worn, the tall bookcases and tables are old-fashioned. There are stacks of used books on the floor everywhere, and bookcases are lined very close to each other. Its vintage style gives you a unique feeling like you travel to the past century. Books are divided into sections by genres like poetry, fiction, history, cooking, and etc. Its genres are not as many as Chapters¡¦. Only big sections like history and fiction are divided into subcategories, for example, Canadian history and other countries¡¦ history. Books in each subcategory are organized by author¡¦s last name from A to Z. Books are not organized by any rules in small sections like cooking and design. According to the employee, Sarah, there are too many used books in the store that it would be impossible to organize them all into detail divisions, especially the store only carry one copy for most books. There are no special services like computer catalog, but friendly employees will give advices to customers. Compare with the layout of Chapters, customers have to spend more time on finding books in Macleod¡¦s Books. The hardcover books consist about 1/4 of the stocks, and some of them are collectable ones. If a book is not in stock, most likely the employee can¡¦t order it because their books are not published anymore.
Both Chapters and Macleod¡¦s Books have a Canadiana section. In Chapters, it is located obviously beside Starbucks and the escalator in the first floor. Most books in Canadiana section are displayed with hard covers on special designed shelves. There are different sections, which include local interest, regional features, award winners, local authors, recommended books, cooking and wine. It emphasizes on local interest and regional features for visitors to find out the beauty of our country. According to the employee, Julie, the purpose of Canadiana section is to promote Canadian culture and the books from local authors. Canadiana section in Macleod¡¦s Books emphasizes different books from what Chapters does. Its Canadiana section is located right at the entrance, and it is about 1/ of the stocks. Books are classified into Canadian poetry, Canadian fiction, and Canadian history. Unlike Chapters, Macleod¡¦s Books emphasizes Canadian literatures.
The cooking category in Chapters is quiet a big section, but it only occupies not even half shelf in Macleod¡¦s Books. In Chapters, cooking books are classified into subcategories like Jewish cooking, Indian cooking, Thai cooking, Canadian cooking and etc. Canadian cooking books are all written by Canadian authors and issued by Canadian publishers. About 10% of the cooking books are Canadian books. Most of them are set apart with the others in Canadian cooking, but some are mixed in with others if they specialize in some typical kind of food. For example, one or two Canadian books can also be found in other subcategories like Vegetarian. They are classified in Vegetarian instead of Canadian cooking because it mainly focuses on Vegetarian.
Mind that the sample papers like Bookstore presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
"Notes of a Native Son."
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like "Notes of a Native Son." even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like "Notes of a Native Son." in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
James Baldwin, a homosexual African American, the grandson of a slave focuses his writing on his “blackness” and environment (Harlem) in his essay, “Notes of a Native Son.” There are three things that affect Baldwin the most, his race, his prejudice riotous society and the reconciliation with his father that he experiences. The essay concentrates on three important sections or effects; Harlem as a prejudice society, Baldwin’s father’s funeral, and, Baldwin’s blackness and how he deals with his blackness. The funeral day of Baldwin’s father there was mass hysteria in Harlem. Baldwin says,
A few hours after my father’s funeral, while he lay in state in the undertaker’s chapel, a race riot broke out in Harlem. On the morning of the rd of August, we drove my father to the graveyard through a wilderness of smashed plate glass. (Page 5)
The smashed plate glass symbolizes the broken community and broken life that Baldwin’s father led. The tumultuous racial tensions in Harlem never ceased to die even with James Baldwin’s father who was a bitter man. Much like Baldwin’s father’s life his funeral is surrounded by what essentially was wrong with Harlem; the poverty and racial hatred. His father was a very sequestered man. He couldn’t live with white people because of the slavery issue; Baldwin’s grandfather was a slave from New Orleans. Not showing any love for your children caused much despair in the life of Baldwin’s father. There is a schism of love and hate inside his father. Baldwin says,
In my mind’s eye I could see him, sitting at the window, locked up in his terrors; hating and fearing every living soul including his children who had betrayed him, too, by reaching towards the world which had despised him. (Page 54)
This proves that Baldwin’s father was in fact mentally ill and bitter towards everyone and everything including his own family because he was so greatly affected by the poverty and enslavement of his ancestors.
Baldwin cannot escape the racism either. His father taught him how to hate and he knew hatred from his father before he experienced it himself. Baldwin writes so vividly,
She did not ask me what I wanted, but repeated, as though she had learned it somewhere, ‘We don’t serve Negroes here.’ She did not say it with the blunt, derisive hostility to which I had grown so accustomed, but, rather, with a note of apology in her voice, and fear. This made me colder and more murderous than ever. I felt I had to do something with my hands. I wanted her to come close enough for me to get her neck between my hands. (Page 58)
Baldwin, in this particular passage succumbs to his self-conscious demons. Baldwin writes a letter to his nephew James about not falling into this racial trap of hatred. Baldwin does not want James to make the mistakes that he himself had made in the past with whites and his father. For Baldwin never had the opportunity to talk with his father about the future, he regrets this with all of his heart. It was always so hard for him to talk with his father for their relationship “had got on badly.” White people oppress blacks from the Harlem ghetto by not serving them in certain “white” restaurants. This is why Baldwin is so upset with the white waitress in the fashionable restaurant. Baldwin’s upbringing (Harlem) and, the affects of his own father bestowed an immense amount of anger into his mind, body, and soul. Baldwin states, “The principle damage done during the riot of the summer of 14 was to white business establishments in Harlem.” (Page 66) Why to white business establishments? Those businesses had all the money. If you are an impoverished person in general and you have to beg that butcher for the cheapest piece of meat or even for just bones the reader begins to understand and realize why poor, oppressed people revolt and riot. Also according to a widespread tale Baldwin mentions that a black soldier was trying to protect a little black girl when a white cop shot the soldier in the back. This tale magnifies the hate that exists between whites and blacks. Baldwin says, “The effect, in Harlem, of this particular legend was like the effect of a lit match in a tin of gasoline.” (Page 66) This rumor sparked enough chaos in order to riot and revolt against the horrific racial trespasses on blacks. The riots of Harlem and Detroit symbolize the racial atrocities present in Baldwin’s lifetime. How do you bring hope into your life in such a place? How are you supposed to sing your baby a lullaby in such a place of turmoil? Ghetto life was eating away at Baldwin’s entrails for too long. Baldwin’s father tries to instill this pre-conceived notion that white people as an ethnic group are evil and are trying to destroy black people from their rightful society. Baldwin never forgets what his father says; his father has an immense impact on his life. Baldwin explains the situation of black soldiers being drafted into World War II. Blacks fought for their country in segregated divisions. For a person to put his or her life on the line to fight and die for their country there should be no discrimination in doing so, for that is the ultimate sacrifice. Blacks in the 140’s were not seen as equals in America nor on the battlefields. Baldwin is writing about his lifetime which in the grand scheme of things is apart of U.S. history.
Baldwin’s father is a minister whom he never gets to know as a true loving parent. There are few instances where Baldwin can say his father did or said something well for him. His father complimented his brilliant choir boy voice in church, which brought much joy to his father. Baldwin says, “I remembered that he had always been grinning with pleasure when my solos ended.” (Page 64) Indeed his father was proud of his son at one point in his life. For the most part Baldwin’s father was cruel, separated, and hateful. Baldwin’s father drove his family farther and farther away from him. His father was so full of hatred that it consumed him like gangrene which is slow and demoralizing till the day he died. His father had nine children including James whom he could not afford to put food on the table for. How hard and demoralizing that must be to go through for any father. All that Baldwin has so strongly imprinted in his mind about his father is that he told him to never trust white people. Ultimately, his father’s hatred for whites destroys him and causes much anger in his son’s life. Baldwin’s father believes the white man is essentially evil and will do anything in his power to take advantage of the black man. The only white people that Baldwin’s father let into his home were bill collectors and welfare workers. Baldwin’s father is so frustrated with his life that he takes it out on his family.
Baldwin feels the rage that was learned, acquired and, passed down from his father, he let’s loose against his enemy in the fancy restaurant, white people. Baldwin says, “There was nothing on the table but an ordinary water-mug half full of water, and I picked this up and hurled it with all my strength at her. She ducked and it missed her and shattered against the mirror behind the bar.” (Page 58) The horror and real anger against whites that Baldwin possesses is clearly conveyed in this quote, he is fed up with them. His father’s “preaching’s” have finally come out, all that hatred pours out in the restaurant. He wants to show them how black he really is. Baldwin is sick of the white mans’ ignorance. He went so far as to try and choke the white waitress, he could not do so, so from a distance Baldwin threw a half-mug of water at her with the evil intention to do damage. Baldwin comes to the recognition that he was close to killing and being killed in this situation. Baldwin says, “I could not get over two facts, both equally difficult for the imagination to grasp, and one was that I could have been murdered. But the other was that I had been ready to commit murder.” (Page 5) His rage drives him to the brink of destruction. He can not live with all this hatred suppressed inside of him anymore. Baldwin comes to the realization that this hatred is almost inescapable for it has been instilled and apart of his ancestry, “I saw that this had been for my ancestors and now would be for me an awful thing to live with and that the bitterness which had helped to kill my father could also kill me.” (Page 54) He’s talking about the racism, slavery crisis and, poverty that he carries with him like a ball and chain.
When one of Baldwin’s white elementary teachers’ offers to pick him up for the purpose of education, Baldwin’s father says to himself what would this white female teacher want with his young black son? Baldwin says,
Also, since it was a schoolteacher, I imagine that my mother countered the idea of sin with the idea of “education,” which word, even with my father, carried a kind of bitter weight. (Page 55)
This teacher took Baldwin to see “real” plays and further educated him. Baldwin never read the bible because he was forced to read it. Baldwin’s father had been very stubborn and bitter with others. Baldwin’s father asked his son what interest this white female schoolteacher could have in him and in their house. Baldwin had been exposed to good white people but he is so poisoned by the ghetto life of Harlem and his father’s effect it is hard for him to reconcile, until his father’s death and funeral. Baldwin has a profound realization that he arrives at by the time his father has passed. He didn’t know his father until his eulogy. His father’s eulogy didn’t sound anything like the man he really was. Baldwin wishes that his father would’ve been around more so he could’ve had someone to talk to about the future. When his father is dying in the hospital Baldwin says to the reader, “I wanted to take his hand, to say something.” (Page 61) Baldwin is afraid to go and visit him in the hospital because he didn’t want see him dying, that’s the reality. Baldwin loved his father after all the pain he had caused himself and his family. He has sorrow for him when he is dying, laying there like “a little black monkey.” He realizes he had lost something in life and that was sharing time with his father while he was still alive and just talking to him, he never had that in his life nor would he ever have the chance to do so. Through his writing he in someway reconciles the lost relationship between father and son.
Mind that the sample papers like "Notes of a Native Son." presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
James Baldwin, a homosexual African American, the grandson of a slave focuses his writing on his “blackness” and environment (Harlem) in his essay, “Notes of a Native Son.” There are three things that affect Baldwin the most, his race, his prejudice riotous society and the reconciliation with his father that he experiences. The essay concentrates on three important sections or effects; Harlem as a prejudice society, Baldwin’s father’s funeral, and, Baldwin’s blackness and how he deals with his blackness. The funeral day of Baldwin’s father there was mass hysteria in Harlem. Baldwin says,
A few hours after my father’s funeral, while he lay in state in the undertaker’s chapel, a race riot broke out in Harlem. On the morning of the rd of August, we drove my father to the graveyard through a wilderness of smashed plate glass. (Page 5)
The smashed plate glass symbolizes the broken community and broken life that Baldwin’s father led. The tumultuous racial tensions in Harlem never ceased to die even with James Baldwin’s father who was a bitter man. Much like Baldwin’s father’s life his funeral is surrounded by what essentially was wrong with Harlem; the poverty and racial hatred. His father was a very sequestered man. He couldn’t live with white people because of the slavery issue; Baldwin’s grandfather was a slave from New Orleans. Not showing any love for your children caused much despair in the life of Baldwin’s father. There is a schism of love and hate inside his father. Baldwin says,
In my mind’s eye I could see him, sitting at the window, locked up in his terrors; hating and fearing every living soul including his children who had betrayed him, too, by reaching towards the world which had despised him. (Page 54)
This proves that Baldwin’s father was in fact mentally ill and bitter towards everyone and everything including his own family because he was so greatly affected by the poverty and enslavement of his ancestors.
Baldwin cannot escape the racism either. His father taught him how to hate and he knew hatred from his father before he experienced it himself. Baldwin writes so vividly,
She did not ask me what I wanted, but repeated, as though she had learned it somewhere, ‘We don’t serve Negroes here.’ She did not say it with the blunt, derisive hostility to which I had grown so accustomed, but, rather, with a note of apology in her voice, and fear. This made me colder and more murderous than ever. I felt I had to do something with my hands. I wanted her to come close enough for me to get her neck between my hands. (Page 58)
Baldwin, in this particular passage succumbs to his self-conscious demons. Baldwin writes a letter to his nephew James about not falling into this racial trap of hatred. Baldwin does not want James to make the mistakes that he himself had made in the past with whites and his father. For Baldwin never had the opportunity to talk with his father about the future, he regrets this with all of his heart. It was always so hard for him to talk with his father for their relationship “had got on badly.” White people oppress blacks from the Harlem ghetto by not serving them in certain “white” restaurants. This is why Baldwin is so upset with the white waitress in the fashionable restaurant. Baldwin’s upbringing (Harlem) and, the affects of his own father bestowed an immense amount of anger into his mind, body, and soul. Baldwin states, “The principle damage done during the riot of the summer of 14 was to white business establishments in Harlem.” (Page 66) Why to white business establishments? Those businesses had all the money. If you are an impoverished person in general and you have to beg that butcher for the cheapest piece of meat or even for just bones the reader begins to understand and realize why poor, oppressed people revolt and riot. Also according to a widespread tale Baldwin mentions that a black soldier was trying to protect a little black girl when a white cop shot the soldier in the back. This tale magnifies the hate that exists between whites and blacks. Baldwin says, “The effect, in Harlem, of this particular legend was like the effect of a lit match in a tin of gasoline.” (Page 66) This rumor sparked enough chaos in order to riot and revolt against the horrific racial trespasses on blacks. The riots of Harlem and Detroit symbolize the racial atrocities present in Baldwin’s lifetime. How do you bring hope into your life in such a place? How are you supposed to sing your baby a lullaby in such a place of turmoil? Ghetto life was eating away at Baldwin’s entrails for too long. Baldwin’s father tries to instill this pre-conceived notion that white people as an ethnic group are evil and are trying to destroy black people from their rightful society. Baldwin never forgets what his father says; his father has an immense impact on his life. Baldwin explains the situation of black soldiers being drafted into World War II. Blacks fought for their country in segregated divisions. For a person to put his or her life on the line to fight and die for their country there should be no discrimination in doing so, for that is the ultimate sacrifice. Blacks in the 140’s were not seen as equals in America nor on the battlefields. Baldwin is writing about his lifetime which in the grand scheme of things is apart of U.S. history.
Baldwin’s father is a minister whom he never gets to know as a true loving parent. There are few instances where Baldwin can say his father did or said something well for him. His father complimented his brilliant choir boy voice in church, which brought much joy to his father. Baldwin says, “I remembered that he had always been grinning with pleasure when my solos ended.” (Page 64) Indeed his father was proud of his son at one point in his life. For the most part Baldwin’s father was cruel, separated, and hateful. Baldwin’s father drove his family farther and farther away from him. His father was so full of hatred that it consumed him like gangrene which is slow and demoralizing till the day he died. His father had nine children including James whom he could not afford to put food on the table for. How hard and demoralizing that must be to go through for any father. All that Baldwin has so strongly imprinted in his mind about his father is that he told him to never trust white people. Ultimately, his father’s hatred for whites destroys him and causes much anger in his son’s life. Baldwin’s father believes the white man is essentially evil and will do anything in his power to take advantage of the black man. The only white people that Baldwin’s father let into his home were bill collectors and welfare workers. Baldwin’s father is so frustrated with his life that he takes it out on his family.
Baldwin feels the rage that was learned, acquired and, passed down from his father, he let’s loose against his enemy in the fancy restaurant, white people. Baldwin says, “There was nothing on the table but an ordinary water-mug half full of water, and I picked this up and hurled it with all my strength at her. She ducked and it missed her and shattered against the mirror behind the bar.” (Page 58) The horror and real anger against whites that Baldwin possesses is clearly conveyed in this quote, he is fed up with them. His father’s “preaching’s” have finally come out, all that hatred pours out in the restaurant. He wants to show them how black he really is. Baldwin is sick of the white mans’ ignorance. He went so far as to try and choke the white waitress, he could not do so, so from a distance Baldwin threw a half-mug of water at her with the evil intention to do damage. Baldwin comes to the recognition that he was close to killing and being killed in this situation. Baldwin says, “I could not get over two facts, both equally difficult for the imagination to grasp, and one was that I could have been murdered. But the other was that I had been ready to commit murder.” (Page 5) His rage drives him to the brink of destruction. He can not live with all this hatred suppressed inside of him anymore. Baldwin comes to the realization that this hatred is almost inescapable for it has been instilled and apart of his ancestry, “I saw that this had been for my ancestors and now would be for me an awful thing to live with and that the bitterness which had helped to kill my father could also kill me.” (Page 54) He’s talking about the racism, slavery crisis and, poverty that he carries with him like a ball and chain.
When one of Baldwin’s white elementary teachers’ offers to pick him up for the purpose of education, Baldwin’s father says to himself what would this white female teacher want with his young black son? Baldwin says,
Also, since it was a schoolteacher, I imagine that my mother countered the idea of sin with the idea of “education,” which word, even with my father, carried a kind of bitter weight. (Page 55)
This teacher took Baldwin to see “real” plays and further educated him. Baldwin never read the bible because he was forced to read it. Baldwin’s father had been very stubborn and bitter with others. Baldwin’s father asked his son what interest this white female schoolteacher could have in him and in their house. Baldwin had been exposed to good white people but he is so poisoned by the ghetto life of Harlem and his father’s effect it is hard for him to reconcile, until his father’s death and funeral. Baldwin has a profound realization that he arrives at by the time his father has passed. He didn’t know his father until his eulogy. His father’s eulogy didn’t sound anything like the man he really was. Baldwin wishes that his father would’ve been around more so he could’ve had someone to talk to about the future. When his father is dying in the hospital Baldwin says to the reader, “I wanted to take his hand, to say something.” (Page 61) Baldwin is afraid to go and visit him in the hospital because he didn’t want see him dying, that’s the reality. Baldwin loved his father after all the pain he had caused himself and his family. He has sorrow for him when he is dying, laying there like “a little black monkey.” He realizes he had lost something in life and that was sharing time with his father while he was still alive and just talking to him, he never had that in his life nor would he ever have the chance to do so. Through his writing he in someway reconciles the lost relationship between father and son.
Mind that the sample papers like "Notes of a Native Son." presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Green v. Ralee Engineering Company
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Green v. Ralee Engineering Company even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Green v. Ralee Engineering Company in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Facts of The Case
Richard Green went to work in 168 as a quality control inspector for Ralee Engineering Company, which manufactures fuselage and wing components for military and civilian aircraft. Some of Ralee’s clients were Boeing and Northrop. Mr. Green went to work as an at-will employee, and, as such could be let go at any time for any reason not otherwise prohibited by law. In 10, after being with the company for twenty-two years, Mr. Green noticed Ralee was beginning to ship parts that had failed inspection. Over the next two years he frequently objected about this practice to supervisory and management personnel. He even went so far as to bring his concerns to the general manager and the company president. His complaints and protests fell on deaf ears. The company continued to ship parts to Boeing that had failed inspection.
In March 11, Ralee decided to shut down its night shift, and let Mr. Green go after twenty-three years of employment. During the lay-off of the night shift employees, Ralee retained the services of other inspectors from that shift with considerably less seniority than Mr. Green had. Mr. Green filed a wrongful termination complaint. He maintained he was fired in retaliation for complaining about the company’s unsafe practice of shipping faulty parts. Mr. Green photocopied inspection reports to provide proof of the ongoing practice. Boeing confirmed Mr. Green’s charges, and terminated its contract with Ralee.
Rules of Law
At-will employment is defined as “if an employee is not under contract, he or she is an at-will employee. An employer can dismiss an at-will employee hired for an indefinite term at any time for any non-discriminatory reason” (www.legal-definitions.com). The California Supreme Court ruled in Tameny v, Atlantic Richfield Co., 7Cal. d 167 (180), that an at-will employee cannot be fired if it violates “fundamental public policy”. Unfortunately, the court did not clearly define “fundamental public policy”. In Gantt v. Sentry Insurance, 1 Cal.4th 108 (1) the court tried to clarify this policy by ruling that “fundamental public policy” must be located within constitutional or a statutory provisions.
Ralee filed a summary judgment motion, maintaining it was entitled to discharge Mr. Green, even if it did so because he complained about the company’s practice of shipping faulty parts. Ralee further maintained that this practice did not violate a public policy located within constitutional or statutory provisions. The trial court agreed that Mr. Green was an at-will employee, whom his employer had every right to fire due to his continued complaining about how they conducted their business. Mr. Green appealed the decision. The California Court of Appeals upheld Mr. Green’s complaint and allowed him to go to trial on his claims. The California Supreme Court ruled that Federal Aviation Act (FAA) regulations provide inspection guidelines to ensure the safety of aircraft components and that those regulations were sufficiently “tethered” to the FAA. The court further reasoned in support of Mr. Green’s claim that “promoting airline safety- the subject of the federal regulations � constitutes a policy of sufficient public importance.” By a 5 to vote, the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mr. Green’s claim.
Managerial Prospective
When Mr. Green first brought it to Ralee’s attention that some aircraft components the company was producing were failing inspection, Ralee should have investigated the matter and then taken corrective action if needed. Taking this action would have been the right thing to do for its customers and to ensure the aircraft components met FAA regulations, which affect public safety. Mr. Green had more than twenty years of seniority with the company as a quality control inspector so it stands to reason, he knew what he was doing and his concerns should not have been ignored. By firing Mr. Green for reasons that appeared disingenuous, Ralee took the matter from an internal problem to a public one that had to be resolved by the highest court in the State of California. It cost the company money, time and its reputation.
Green v. Ralee Engineering Company, 78 Cal.Rptr.d 16 (Cal. 18),
Tameny v, Atlantic Richfield Company, 7Cal. d 167 (Cal. 180),
Gantt v. Sentry Insurance, 1 Cal.4th 108 (Cal.1),
Mind that the sample papers like Green v. Ralee Engineering Company presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Facts of The Case
Richard Green went to work in 168 as a quality control inspector for Ralee Engineering Company, which manufactures fuselage and wing components for military and civilian aircraft. Some of Ralee’s clients were Boeing and Northrop. Mr. Green went to work as an at-will employee, and, as such could be let go at any time for any reason not otherwise prohibited by law. In 10, after being with the company for twenty-two years, Mr. Green noticed Ralee was beginning to ship parts that had failed inspection. Over the next two years he frequently objected about this practice to supervisory and management personnel. He even went so far as to bring his concerns to the general manager and the company president. His complaints and protests fell on deaf ears. The company continued to ship parts to Boeing that had failed inspection.
In March 11, Ralee decided to shut down its night shift, and let Mr. Green go after twenty-three years of employment. During the lay-off of the night shift employees, Ralee retained the services of other inspectors from that shift with considerably less seniority than Mr. Green had. Mr. Green filed a wrongful termination complaint. He maintained he was fired in retaliation for complaining about the company’s unsafe practice of shipping faulty parts. Mr. Green photocopied inspection reports to provide proof of the ongoing practice. Boeing confirmed Mr. Green’s charges, and terminated its contract with Ralee.
Rules of Law
At-will employment is defined as “if an employee is not under contract, he or she is an at-will employee. An employer can dismiss an at-will employee hired for an indefinite term at any time for any non-discriminatory reason” (www.legal-definitions.com). The California Supreme Court ruled in Tameny v, Atlantic Richfield Co., 7Cal. d 167 (180), that an at-will employee cannot be fired if it violates “fundamental public policy”. Unfortunately, the court did not clearly define “fundamental public policy”. In Gantt v. Sentry Insurance, 1 Cal.4th 108 (1) the court tried to clarify this policy by ruling that “fundamental public policy” must be located within constitutional or a statutory provisions.
Ralee filed a summary judgment motion, maintaining it was entitled to discharge Mr. Green, even if it did so because he complained about the company’s practice of shipping faulty parts. Ralee further maintained that this practice did not violate a public policy located within constitutional or statutory provisions. The trial court agreed that Mr. Green was an at-will employee, whom his employer had every right to fire due to his continued complaining about how they conducted their business. Mr. Green appealed the decision. The California Court of Appeals upheld Mr. Green’s complaint and allowed him to go to trial on his claims. The California Supreme Court ruled that Federal Aviation Act (FAA) regulations provide inspection guidelines to ensure the safety of aircraft components and that those regulations were sufficiently “tethered” to the FAA. The court further reasoned in support of Mr. Green’s claim that “promoting airline safety- the subject of the federal regulations � constitutes a policy of sufficient public importance.” By a 5 to vote, the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mr. Green’s claim.
Managerial Prospective
When Mr. Green first brought it to Ralee’s attention that some aircraft components the company was producing were failing inspection, Ralee should have investigated the matter and then taken corrective action if needed. Taking this action would have been the right thing to do for its customers and to ensure the aircraft components met FAA regulations, which affect public safety. Mr. Green had more than twenty years of seniority with the company as a quality control inspector so it stands to reason, he knew what he was doing and his concerns should not have been ignored. By firing Mr. Green for reasons that appeared disingenuous, Ralee took the matter from an internal problem to a public one that had to be resolved by the highest court in the State of California. It cost the company money, time and its reputation.
Green v. Ralee Engineering Company, 78 Cal.Rptr.d 16 (Cal. 18),
Tameny v, Atlantic Richfield Company, 7Cal. d 167 (Cal. 180),
Gantt v. Sentry Insurance, 1 Cal.4th 108 (Cal.1),
Mind that the sample papers like Green v. Ralee Engineering Company presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
"A good education is the only path to success"
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like "A good education is the only path to success" even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like "A good education is the only path to success" in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Nowadays, while some people are trying hard to study skills as much as they wish and acquire knowledge as much as they can, some people seem to ignore formal education which is conducted in Educational Institutions. This differentiation is affected by different background of living, social condition, and opinion. This causes some people to think that the only way that can lead them to success is Education, meanwhile the other have different idea that they have others ways could bring them to success.
As we can see in the real society, educated people are usually got more respect and value than uneducated. This is because of most of them often succeed in their performance of daily life such as successful in getting a job, solving problems, doing business, and achieve what they wish. In reality, jobs are the required and wished carriers of most of educated people. The people who want fulfill this wishes, they must study to get knowledge that relate to those jobs. Without knowledge they are not hired. This is one of success of education. For example, if people want to be accountant in private company, if they have no any knowledge of Accounting, they are not employed because they are not satisfied with having no knowledge of accounting.
Solving problems, which can provide them the needed result, is another success of education. When they study, they are educated many solutions and ideas of famous people to use as the background of solving common problems which are usually occurred. In case they meet those problems in the real situation, they can use those backgrounds to deal these problems easily and successfully without taking much time.
Besides these two forms of success, education also provides another success of doing business. Business is required flexible ideas, performances and strong determination with being patient. It can help people to make a huge amount of money with their knowledge and flexibility which they have acquired so far in their education. When they were studying, they could come out with many ideas of how to do business well, how to make a good decision, how to make a lot of money, how to sell product or services increasingly, how to persuade customer… and after got these ideas, it would be easy for them to run their own business or being hired to do for other people. And most of them often got success without failures. Because of these successes, people have an opinion that education is the only path that can bring them to success.
In opposite to the above opinion, some people, even they haven’t got any education, they are also successful in their life as well. Sometimes, some uneducated people can run a business better than educated one because they have much experiences and those of things usually continue from one generation to another. For example, the Chinese people who live in Cambodia, they know how to do business well even they haven’s studied at school at all and they also make a large amount of money amazingly. At last, they want to transfer that business to their next generation to continue. And these next generations don’t need to study at school, what they should do are just listen and observe what their previous generations have been done so far. And most of them usually succeed in those business. That’s why some people don’t agree to Education is the only path to success.
In conclusion, education helps people a lot to achieve their performances of their daily life and it cannot be considered as the only path to success because there is also exception besides education that can lead people to success as well. Otherwise, as a comment, even though education is not the only path to success, but it is the best way that can lead and help people to success. Therefore, people should try their best to study hard and to acquire knowledge as much as they can because it would give them many benefits in the future exactly.
Mind that the sample papers like "A good education is the only path to success" presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Nowadays, while some people are trying hard to study skills as much as they wish and acquire knowledge as much as they can, some people seem to ignore formal education which is conducted in Educational Institutions. This differentiation is affected by different background of living, social condition, and opinion. This causes some people to think that the only way that can lead them to success is Education, meanwhile the other have different idea that they have others ways could bring them to success.
As we can see in the real society, educated people are usually got more respect and value than uneducated. This is because of most of them often succeed in their performance of daily life such as successful in getting a job, solving problems, doing business, and achieve what they wish. In reality, jobs are the required and wished carriers of most of educated people. The people who want fulfill this wishes, they must study to get knowledge that relate to those jobs. Without knowledge they are not hired. This is one of success of education. For example, if people want to be accountant in private company, if they have no any knowledge of Accounting, they are not employed because they are not satisfied with having no knowledge of accounting.
Solving problems, which can provide them the needed result, is another success of education. When they study, they are educated many solutions and ideas of famous people to use as the background of solving common problems which are usually occurred. In case they meet those problems in the real situation, they can use those backgrounds to deal these problems easily and successfully without taking much time.
Besides these two forms of success, education also provides another success of doing business. Business is required flexible ideas, performances and strong determination with being patient. It can help people to make a huge amount of money with their knowledge and flexibility which they have acquired so far in their education. When they were studying, they could come out with many ideas of how to do business well, how to make a good decision, how to make a lot of money, how to sell product or services increasingly, how to persuade customer… and after got these ideas, it would be easy for them to run their own business or being hired to do for other people. And most of them often got success without failures. Because of these successes, people have an opinion that education is the only path that can bring them to success.
In opposite to the above opinion, some people, even they haven’t got any education, they are also successful in their life as well. Sometimes, some uneducated people can run a business better than educated one because they have much experiences and those of things usually continue from one generation to another. For example, the Chinese people who live in Cambodia, they know how to do business well even they haven’s studied at school at all and they also make a large amount of money amazingly. At last, they want to transfer that business to their next generation to continue. And these next generations don’t need to study at school, what they should do are just listen and observe what their previous generations have been done so far. And most of them usually succeed in those business. That’s why some people don’t agree to Education is the only path to success.
In conclusion, education helps people a lot to achieve their performances of their daily life and it cannot be considered as the only path to success because there is also exception besides education that can lead people to success as well. Otherwise, as a comment, even though education is not the only path to success, but it is the best way that can lead and help people to success. Therefore, people should try their best to study hard and to acquire knowledge as much as they can because it would give them many benefits in the future exactly.
Mind that the sample papers like "A good education is the only path to success" presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like water even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like water in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Robin and Ralph serve brief, yet significant roles in scenes VIII and IX of Christopher Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus. Robin is an ostler at an inn who steals one of Faustus’ magic books and convinces his friend, Ralph, to join him in conjuring. Robin and Ralph decide to use the magic to deceive the vintner out of a goblet. Then Robin recites the spell that conjures up Mephistophilis, who frightens them until they give the goblet back to the vintner. Then Mephistophilis punishes the two men by turning them into an ape and a dog. Robin and Ralph can be compared to a couple of minor characters in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Like the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Hamlet, Robin and Ralph are two separate characters, but neither possess any distinguishing qualities. The names are practically interchangeable because there is no real distinction between the two characters.
Scenes VIII and IX demonstrate the negative consequences of using black magic. Mephistophilis punishes Robin and Ralph for stealing Faustus’ book and trying to perform spells with the devil’s magic. Robin and Ralph are also punished because they are not entitled to the devil’s magic. They did not make a deal with the devil, as Faustus did. They instead stole a book and misused its powers. The scenes also display the power of the devil’s magic and what can happen if this power falls into unsuspecting hands.
Humans form initial impressions of their environment through utilization of their senses. In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Joyce allows the reader to perceive surroundings through Stephen’s sensual experiences. Perception through the senses appears continually throughout the novel from Stephen’s early childhood through his adolescence, all the way to his epiphany at the end of chapter four.
The novel begins with an introduction to Stephen’s childhood through descriptions based around the senses. The sense of sight is mentioned when Joyce writes “...his father [looked] at him through a glass...”(1). The sense of touch is introduced with the line “...he had a hairy face”(1) and with the description of the feeling of wetting a bed. It is explained that first it feels warm and then it gets cold. Smell is first mentioned when Stephen describes the oilsheet that his mother placed over his bed after he wet it. He says it has a queer smell. The sense of smell is also utilized with the line “His mother had a nicer [smell] than his father” (1). Finally, descriptions of how Stephen would sing songs as his mother played the sailor’s hornpipe on the piano touches on the sense of hearing.
Perception through senses reaches dramatic level as the novel continues. One example is during the sermons that Stephen experiences while away at his spiritual retreat in Belvedere. The priest at Belvedere gives three sermons brimming with extensive details of the horrors of Hell. These striking descriptions of terror are exceptionally agonizing for Stephen because the priest continually mentions how the sinners are suffering through their senses, and Stephen has always perceived the world through sensual experiences. Stephen’s use of sensory perception flourishes again to a remarkable level at the end of chapter four, though on an entirely different scale. This time, the heightened emotions and sensory awareness is of something beautiful. The girl that Stephen sees wading in the water is described thoroughly through his sense of sight with lines like “Her long slender bare legs were delicate as a crane’s and pure save where an emerald trail of seaweed had fashioned itself as a sign upon the flesh” (1). The sense of sound is mentioned when Stephen describes the faint noise that her foot makes as she gently stirs the water about her. Several references to the sense of touch are made with Stephen’s reaction to the girl, with the words “His cheeks were aflame; his body was aglow; his limbs were trembling” (1).
Many examples can be found throughout the length of Joyce’s novel where sensual experiences document the events of the story. These sensory descriptions seem to intensify as the novel progresses, as apparent by the basic references to the senses utilized in the beginning of the novel leading to the graphic sensory descriptions of the sermons and Stephen’s epiphany at the end of chapter four. Joyce’s continual use of sensory perception effectively engages the reader, making him experience the novel through his senses like Stephen.
Mind that the sample papers like water presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Robin and Ralph serve brief, yet significant roles in scenes VIII and IX of Christopher Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus. Robin is an ostler at an inn who steals one of Faustus’ magic books and convinces his friend, Ralph, to join him in conjuring. Robin and Ralph decide to use the magic to deceive the vintner out of a goblet. Then Robin recites the spell that conjures up Mephistophilis, who frightens them until they give the goblet back to the vintner. Then Mephistophilis punishes the two men by turning them into an ape and a dog. Robin and Ralph can be compared to a couple of minor characters in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Like the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Hamlet, Robin and Ralph are two separate characters, but neither possess any distinguishing qualities. The names are practically interchangeable because there is no real distinction between the two characters.
Scenes VIII and IX demonstrate the negative consequences of using black magic. Mephistophilis punishes Robin and Ralph for stealing Faustus’ book and trying to perform spells with the devil’s magic. Robin and Ralph are also punished because they are not entitled to the devil’s magic. They did not make a deal with the devil, as Faustus did. They instead stole a book and misused its powers. The scenes also display the power of the devil’s magic and what can happen if this power falls into unsuspecting hands.
Humans form initial impressions of their environment through utilization of their senses. In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Joyce allows the reader to perceive surroundings through Stephen’s sensual experiences. Perception through the senses appears continually throughout the novel from Stephen’s early childhood through his adolescence, all the way to his epiphany at the end of chapter four.
The novel begins with an introduction to Stephen’s childhood through descriptions based around the senses. The sense of sight is mentioned when Joyce writes “...his father [looked] at him through a glass...”(1). The sense of touch is introduced with the line “...he had a hairy face”(1) and with the description of the feeling of wetting a bed. It is explained that first it feels warm and then it gets cold. Smell is first mentioned when Stephen describes the oilsheet that his mother placed over his bed after he wet it. He says it has a queer smell. The sense of smell is also utilized with the line “His mother had a nicer [smell] than his father” (1). Finally, descriptions of how Stephen would sing songs as his mother played the sailor’s hornpipe on the piano touches on the sense of hearing.
Perception through senses reaches dramatic level as the novel continues. One example is during the sermons that Stephen experiences while away at his spiritual retreat in Belvedere. The priest at Belvedere gives three sermons brimming with extensive details of the horrors of Hell. These striking descriptions of terror are exceptionally agonizing for Stephen because the priest continually mentions how the sinners are suffering through their senses, and Stephen has always perceived the world through sensual experiences. Stephen’s use of sensory perception flourishes again to a remarkable level at the end of chapter four, though on an entirely different scale. This time, the heightened emotions and sensory awareness is of something beautiful. The girl that Stephen sees wading in the water is described thoroughly through his sense of sight with lines like “Her long slender bare legs were delicate as a crane’s and pure save where an emerald trail of seaweed had fashioned itself as a sign upon the flesh” (1). The sense of sound is mentioned when Stephen describes the faint noise that her foot makes as she gently stirs the water about her. Several references to the sense of touch are made with Stephen’s reaction to the girl, with the words “His cheeks were aflame; his body was aglow; his limbs were trembling” (1).
Many examples can be found throughout the length of Joyce’s novel where sensual experiences document the events of the story. These sensory descriptions seem to intensify as the novel progresses, as apparent by the basic references to the senses utilized in the beginning of the novel leading to the graphic sensory descriptions of the sermons and Stephen’s epiphany at the end of chapter four. Joyce’s continual use of sensory perception effectively engages the reader, making him experience the novel through his senses like Stephen.
Mind that the sample papers like water presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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