Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Mahabharata Arjuna's concerns on the great war

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Arjunas concerns were many. He explained to Krishna that to see his own people ready to fight and eager for battle troubled him phisically. Arjuna viewed the war as an evil omen and thought no good in killing his own kinsman. He believes that it was not right and proper that they should kill their oun kin, the Kauvavas. He was filled with sorrow and compassion at the thouht of losing family, friends and companions on both sides of the war. Arjuna could not bring himself to fight agianst Bhisma and Dorna. He believed that they were worthy of his respect. After much reflection, he told Krishma that he would still not fight. After seeing the despair in Arjunas eyes Krishma could only feel trouble and dejected, said, why have you become so depressed in this critical hour? Such dejection is unknown to noblemen; it does not lead to heavenly heights and on earth, it can only lead to disgrace. Do not yeild to cowardice, for it is now worthy of you. Cast away this faintness of the heart and rise.

Krishnas discourse about the battle was that Arjuna should not grieve. He says that he should not mourn the dead nor the living. He explains to Arjuna that he fails to understand that there is no killing and no one will be killed. The embodied soul will cast off old bodies and enter need ones, that just a person discards garments. It is the soul that loves on every hman body and is eternal and immortal so there was no reason to grieve. He wen t on to say that it was Arjunas duty to fight a rightous battle. That such a fight would open the doors to heaven and he should be happy to engage in battle. He says that he will either win a victory and enjoy the earth, or be killed and go to heaven. Therefore, he should be determined to fight. Be prepared for battle without thought of pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat. This way, you will not incur any sin. He has the right to action alone but not the right to the fruits of action.

Krishna tells his teachings of a twofold way of life the way of knowledge for men who engage in contemplation, and the way of works for men in action. HE says that one cannot maintain a physical life without av=ction. Therefore, he should do his chosen work regardless of the results. Krishna tells Arjuna that he is Time itself,grown mature, capable of destroying the world, and now engaged in subduing it. So that even with out his efforts all opposing wars will cease to exist. Therefore,he should win with glory and conquire his enemies. Krishna says that he has already doomed Drona, Bhisma, and the other great warriors. He should no longer fear,but fight his enimeies in battle. He tells Arjuna that it is not right to renounce ones duty his dharma.

Courage,vigor,resourcefulness,steadfastness in battle,generosity and leadership are the natural dutoes of a Ksatriya. Krishna tells him to seek shelter with your whole being,and you shall attain supreme peace and the eternal station by his grace. Krishna concluded that you could only seek shelter in God. Only after all these lessons , Arjuna realizes tha to fight is his true duty and is willing to do his bidding.

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