Thursday, April 12, 2012

John Dewey

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John Dewey

John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont, on October 0, 185. He

attended the University of Vermont and Johns Hopkins University. In 1884 he

worked as an instructor in philosophy and psychology at the University of

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Michigan. From 184 to 104 he headed the department of philosophy,

psychology, and education at the University of Chicago. In 104 Dewey moved

to Columbia University in New York City in the position of professor of

philosophy. He remained there for the rest of his teaching career.

Dewey was one of the most notable American philosophers of the 0th

century. Dewey was also a pioneer in educational theory and method. From his

ideas developed the progressive education movement that was very important in

schools until about 150. John Dewey, shares with William James and Charles

Sanders Peircein, the distinction of founding the movement called pragmatism.

in the field of Philosophy. Along with his wife, Alice Chipman Dewey, started the Laboratory School

at the University of Chicago to test his educational theories. Learning by doing

was the heart of his method. The children were given freedom to learn in

according to their needs and experiences. The faculty was able to study child

behavior, a new area of study at the time.

Dewey looked upon education as a process of living, not as preparation

for later living. His ideas were incorporated in a number of books, including the

The School and Society, published in 18, and Experience and Education

(18). In philosophy, Deweys pragmatic theories insisted that the way to test

ideas was to check them against their consequences rather than to claim their

agreement with supposedly self-evident truth.

His philosophy was suited to American life. It was characterized by its

respect for science and technology, its diversity, and its practicality. When faced

with a problem Deweysaid that a person must logically examine the options open

to him to find the best solution supported by the facts. This method of inquiry

and testing should be applied to moral and social questions, as well as to

technological and scientific ones.

His theories were set in a number of books, including Reconstruction in

Philosophy (10), Experience and Nature (15), Art as Experience (14),

and Freedom and Culture (1). Dewey retired from teaching in 10. He died

in New York City on June 1, 15.

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