Saturday, April 7, 2012

the maic

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To be morally “good” and “right” is the goal of any good businessman in today’s society. Opposing those who are “bad” or “wrong”, and make the general public distrustful of the institution, that is business and corporational. Ethical behavior is what is the acceptable practice among the business industry. To not to follow the norms of society when it comes to ethics is considered to be dangerous and hazardous to ones business life. To get caught being unethical can, in most cases, black ball a person in the industry, at the least; and can be legally devastation at the same time. An unethical practice can lead to an individual breaking a law, which was put into place to protect the rights of all persons.

By examining the “rights” and “wrongs” within the industry will help eliminate the possibilities of making a decision that will affect an individual for substantial amount of time. Thinking about these possibilities in great depth, and action on thee correct response or action will help an individual to make the “good” and “right” decision in business benefits the society as a whole.

Looking at the areas of ethical decision making will shed light on the way individuals think about ethical behavior, along with the ability to handle ethical dilemmas in the workplace, and understanding social responsibilities in organizations, by understanding these issues will allow the industry to make the necessary decision that will best benefit the consumer, employee, employer and the legal system (if violated).

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Ethics Defined

Ethics has different meanings to different people. This statement could construe ethics construed as a vague concept, which can be left open to interpretation. Someone may feel being ethical in their personal life is enough, where as somebody else may feel a person is ethical if they listen and the follow their heart. The literal definition of the word is, “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation; and set of moral principles or values; the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group; a guiding philosophy” 6.

As stated in the definition of ethics the use of moral conduct has a major influence in the definition. “Moral conduct does not arise from the after-the-fact embarrassment 7. As Fineman suggest, “if people are unable to anticipate shame or guilt before they put in particular ways, then moral codes are invalid…decisions may involve lying, deceit, fraud, evasion of negligence � disapproved of in many cultures. But ethical monitoring and control go beyond just the pragmatics of harm” 8. When one is decision maker, the decision making process is not just a choice followed by implementation for the good of the organization. It should take into account the values and morality of an individual and whether or not if one thinks it should. Considering the implication in moral conduct, in direct relationship with the ethics of organizational behavior.

“American society and its’ institutions have, arguably, never been more preoccupied with moral virtue and with ethical conduct that in the past quarter century” 1. Company’s today need to be socially responsible as well as ethical in their decision making process. “The next millennium will have to be the age of corporate social responsibility” 4.

Ethics within the business must be stated as part of its overall mission of the company. The value objectives and be void of self-interest, and state the goals clearly. Ethical decisions in business involve complex, real life dilemmas for business leadership to handle such decisions correctly; they must have a set of practical guidelines to turn to for answers. Dealing with ethical dilemmas can be done through the following

1) Recognize and clarify the dilemma.

) Get all the possible facts.

) List all of your options.

4) Test each option by asking Is it legal? Is it right? Is it beneficial?

5) Make your decision.

6) Double check your decision by asking How will I feel if my family finds out? How will I feel if this is printed in the newspaper?

7) Then, and only then, take action. 7.

Organizational Social Responsibility

“Social responsibility is the obligation of organizations to behave in ethical and moral ways as institutions of the broader society” 7. This concept suggest that members must ensure that their ethical framework extend to the organization as a whole. A company acting in an ethical manner can easily start conducting business with more of an outlook for what it can do to improve the community in which it conducts its business. Organizational social responsibility is the “idea that business has social obligations above and beyond making a profit” 5. Social responsibility takes into consideration all stake holders of an organization, not just the shareholders.

Societies that advocate organizational social responsibility say a business decision affects such issues as how many people will have jobs tomorrow and at what price will the consumer pay for the product. “Any major corporation today has four important constituents shareholders, customers, employees, and the communities in which they live and do business”. A business can become a positive versus a negative influence by becoming actively involved in its community.

According to Robert Kreitner, companies that are socially responsible are not significantly more or less profitable than companies that are socially irresponsible 5. Companies benefit from social responsibility in other ways, like when an employee is rewarded for being responsible. The recognition reflects not only on the individual, but the company as well.


Managers must be aware of the pressures they place upon their employees; they also need to organize ways to reduce these pressures. The application of extreme pressure on the employee can be detrimental to the employee as well as the company itself. The pressure the employee feels will result in poor performance, because the individuals also add additional pressure upon themselves to do even more. In the long run, the public (consumer) will feel pressure as well, and will venture elsewhere, where the pressure is alleviated and/or reduced dramatically. As a result, the company will experience a decrease in sales and profit margin thus adding to the overall pressure. This pattern will continue to proceed unless the value and understanding of the policy is re-evaluated. With this in mind, management must be prepared to deal with excessive organizational behavior.

Our society is bound by the Constitution of the U.S., where everyone is expected to abide by the laws and their own code of ethics. The Constitution states the laws to be followed, as set forth by our fore fathers. In the Constitution it is also stated how the laws are to be carried out and what the consequences should be upon breaking the laws. Considering the U.S. Government provides all that, we do not have documentation governing ethics. “Business is a social enterprise, its mandate set by society, the limits are often moral, but they are also frequently written into law. Our moral standards are sometimes incorporated into law when enough of us feel that a moral standard should be enforced by the pressures of a legal system….

Ethics consists of ones beliefs, ideas, value systems, media, culture, schooling, religious belief, and life experience of what is right. Therefore, in order to be ethical, everyone has to look at their own beliefs and the beliefs of the others around them.

Ethical Principles

The concept of business ethics means different things to different people, it is doing what is right and knowing the differences between right and wrong. Ethics in the business world are not much different than the ethics in everyday society. In both situations, the person or persons has to choose between what is right and wrong and make their decisions based on one of the two assumptions. The best judgment is to use ones intuitions in the given instance.

The impact of making and unethical decision in everyday life, usually affects themselves or others directly around them. On the other hand, unethical decisions in the business community can cause havoc to the society, by and large. To be ethical in business one must have a sense of the general ethical principles, which should be deployed throughout the workplace and among the employees.

The basic ethic principles are as follows

· Personal Virtues

· Religious Injunctions

· Government Requirements

· Utilitarian Benefits

· Economic Efficiency 5

Ways of Thinking About Ethical Behavior

“Ethical behavior conforms not only to the dictates of law but also to a broader moral code that is common to society as a whole” 7. The moral code of an individual and what that person chooses to do with the choices is the never-ending dilemma. There are at least four ways to think about ethical behavior in the organization and they follow with explanation of each.

Utilitarian view

This view “considers ethical behavior to be that which delivers the greatest good to the greatest number of people” 7. The utilitarian view and those who subscribe to it judge the morality of their decision in the penalty that it may create. “Utilitarianism believes that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” 7.

Individualism view

This view “considers ethical behavior to be that which is best for an individual’s long-term self interests” 7.

Moral Rights view

This view “considers ethical behavior to be that which respects fundamental rights shared by all human beings” 7. Human basic rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and fair treatment by law, are protected. Ethical behavior should not intrude on any of these rights.

Justice view

This view “considers ethical behavior to be that which is fair and impartial in its treatment of people” 7. Equal treatment of all people is the basic idea behind the justice view. There are two additional views in the justice view and they are procedural justice and distributive justice. The procedural justice “is the degree to which the rules and procedures specified by policies are properly followed in all cases under which they are applied” 7. Distributive justice “is the degree to which all people are treated the same under a policy, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or any other demographic characteristic” 7.

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