Monday, April 16, 2012

Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther

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Martin Luther was born on November 10, 148, at Eisleben in Thuringian Saxony, Germany. His parents were Hans and Margerethe Luther. They moved to Mansfeld after Luthers birth where Hans Luther worked in the copper mines. Luthers childhood was full of memories of discipline and gloominess. His influence extends beyond religion to politics, economics, educations and language

Luthers reason for entering religion as a career is not known. In his book Tischreden, which is translated as Table Talk, he said that on July , 1505, he was returning from a visit to his parents when he was overtaken by a thunderstorm near the village of Stooerheim and cried out in terror, Help, St. Anne, and Ill become a monk.1 In his De Votis Monasticis Luther says not freely or deliriously did I become a monk, but walled around with the terror and agony of sudden death, I vowed a constrained and necessary vow. On July 17, 1505, he entered the monastery at Erfurt. Luther made his profession as a monk in September 1506 and was then prepared for ordination. Luthers father came to the ceremony and after Martin explained to him about the ceremony retorted, Did you not read in Scripture that one shall honour ones father and mother?

Martin Luther was greatly influenced by Johann von Staupitz, vicar general of the German Augustinians, as a teacher, friend, and patron. Staupitz attempted to revive stricter discipline and to combine the observant and conventional Augustinians in Germany. Staupitz became intrigued with Luther and encouraged him to proceed to his doctorate and to a public teaching career. He soon became a professor in following Staupitz in the chair of biblical theology. In between his lectures, in a manner of speaking, Luther began the Protestant Reformation. While Martin Luther taught, he began to have religious and theological problems. He struggled against uncertainties and doubts which he didnt understand. Luther bore a burden of guilt which nothing could help to ease. All this distress brought him into states of anxiety and despair. Luther became very involved with the righteousness of God. In his life he became very aware of Gods judgment. He came to think that Gods justice was the active punishing of sinners by God. He then realized that this kind of God could not be loved, only feared, that God would be obeyed out of submission but never with the happy giving that Luther believed to be the essence of Christian obedience. In 1545, in a passage of an autobiography, Luther described his feelings

For however irreproachably I lived as a monk, I felt myself in the presence of God to be a sinner with a most unquiet conscience, nor could I believe that I pleased him with my satisfactions. I did not love, indeed I hated this just God, if not with open blasphemy, at least with huge murmuring, for I was indignant against him, saying as if it were really not enough for God that miserable sinners should be eternally lost through original sin, and oppressed with all kind of calamities through the law of the ten commandments, but God must add sorrow on sorrow, and even by the gospel bring his wrath to bear. Thus I raged with a fierce and most agitated conscience, and yet I continued to knock away at Paul in this place, thirsting ardently to know what he really meant.4

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Luther then gave importance to justification by faith. He believed that salvation should be thought of primarily in terms of grace, and Gods free gift. Gods mercy is displayed in Jesus Christ; that the conscience, forgiven and cleansed, may be at peace, and that the soul may serve God with joyful, happy obedience. Indulgence was a way of pardoning sinners for their sin. Sometimes, individuals were sent on a pilgrimage to make up for their sins and show that they were sincere about repenting. Luther didnt believe in indulgences because he felt it degraded the forgiving grace of God and weakened the church itself.

On October 1, 1517, Luther posted his famous Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Wittenberg castle church. He had acted in response to a sale of indulgences near Wittenberg, by Johann Tetzel, a Dominican monk. The Ninety-Five Theses condemned indulgences. The theses caused Luther to be in direct conflict with the church. In 151, Martin Luther had a famous debate in Leipzig with Johann Eck. During this debate Luther denied the supremacy of the pope and declared that church councils could make mistakes. In January 151 Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther. He was ordered to go to the Diet of Worms, which was a meeting of princes, nobles, and clergymen, in Germany.

Luthers stand against the church made him the leader of the reform-minded churches in the Holy Roman Empire. During the Reformation, Luther discovered to his surprise and disappointment that he had founded a new church. Luther did not want to give his name to be used as the name of the new church - he thought that it should take its name only from Christ. But Lutheranism remains the name of the beliefs he originated.

His ideas and beliefs started to spread through Germany. After Luthers death on February 18, 1546, Lutheranism started to spread out more to other countries. His ideas and teachings caused a split within Christianity between Protestants and Roman Catholics. . Some have called him the most influential German in history. From researching his lifes work it is obvious that he was one of the greatest men to have lived.

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