Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dialogue of Teaching Collection letter

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Teacher Hi, everybody. Today, we are going to talk about ¡§Collection Letters.¡¨ But first of all, do you remember what we learnt about ¡§formal business letter¡¨ last lesson?

Student Yes. It includes ¡§Opening¡¨, ¡§Details¡¨, ¡§Action¡¨ and ¡§Closing¡¨.

Teacher Very good. This time we are going to learn to write a formal letter with a purpose of collection.

Teacher Collection is the noun of the word ¡§collect¡¨, can anybody tell me the meaning of the word ¡§collect¡¨?

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Teacher Student B Collect means bring or gather together; get something from a number of persons or places.

Teacher Good. In the commercial world, if you are a seller, what kind of things that make you need to write a letter to collect from the customer? Do you have any idea?

Student B Money

Teacher Good. The purpose of writing collection letters is to collect money or loan from customers or borrowers. However, remember this, although they own you money, as a seller, they are still your customers, so the attitude or tone used to collect money is very important. There are different stages of collection letters deal to different situation.

Teacher Did anybody try lending money to your friend, or even borrowing money from your friend?

Student A Yes. I lent Peter $100 dollars two weeks ago.

Students Ha ha.. (laughing)

Teacher What a huge amount!!! Has he given you back the money already?

Teacher Student A No. May be he forgot about it.

Teacher Oh. It is too bad. But how can you recognize that he has forgot about it?

Student A Yesterday, I told him that I am poor and I really need some money, but he didn¡¦t answer anything, so I guess he has forgot.

Teacher Why don¡¦t you ask directly?

Student A I have given him a signal that I am poor. I don¡¦t want to make him feel embarrass, as he is my friend.

Teacher That¡¦s very near of what we do in the commercial world. As the due day comes, we just send a collection letter to notify the customer to remember to pay the money. The similar situation as Student A, we don¡¦t want to make the customer feel embarrass, so the attitude in the letter is quite polite which focus to mention the information and the due day. This stage is called ¡§Notify¡¨.

Teacher How about after two more weeks, if he still hasn¡¦t give you back the money, what will you expect to do then? Student A.

Student A Hm¡K. I think I will ask him directly, see whether he is available to give me the money or not. At least, I assure that he doesn¡¦t forget or if he is still poor.

Teacher We treat your friend very well. You seem not really very angry with him.

Student A Sure, may be he just forgetting only, right?

Teacher Yes, I think so. What Student A do is to ¡§remind¡¨ his friend to return the money, that¡¦s similar to the second stage of the collection letters. If the notifying letter didn¡¦t work, we have to write another collection letter with the aim to remind the customer again and ask for any other way to solve the problem. This stage is called ¡§Remind¡¨. We are still polite and mention the information in detail again. At the same time, we will ask the customer to discuss the way out to deal with the problem.

Student B How about if the customer doesn¡¦t give any response, what can we do?

Teacher Sometimes, we can send another collection letter that is aim to remind again. So this time the content is very simple that just leaves a way for the customer to contact us may be a number of hotline. We just need to mention some brief information, but we need to give a signal that this is the last chance to talk about it. Our attitude is quite serious this time.

Teacher Student A, if he is not willing to give you after a few more months, what will you does then?

Student A May be I will angry with him. And I think that he is a liar and is not my friend any more. If possible, I will still try other way to ask for the money back.

Teacher As you imagine, the last stage is ¡§Warning¡¨. There is nothing to do to collect the money, but to warn the customer that we will have some legal action to sue for the money. Therefore, our attitude is very serious. No more chance. No more discussion. Just money.

Teacher Is it clear of the aims of different stages of collection letters?

Students Yes.

Teacher Ok, we are now going to play a matching game that aim to teach you some wordings or language used in each stage. Hurry up, divide into groups of 4 first, ok?

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