Saturday, April 7, 2012

Touching the Void

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This remarkable novel was about a man and his struggle to survive by himself while all odds were against him. While reading this book, it made me realize that when in a situation like that, the mental portion of the battle is more challenging than the physical one. Joe Simpson spent four days constantly questioning himself, of all the outcomes and possibilities of his fate. At times he surely felt as if the glacier would take his life. However while spending hours doubting himself, he found that inner voice inside him to give him the courage to try. To try and save his own life and take over where Simon could no longer be of assistance. Once Joe had fallen into the crevasse he spent which seemed to be an eternity wondering what would happen next. If he had only started his descent down the dark and uncharted territory of the crevasse earlier, he could have possibly emerged out of the hole while Simon was still coming down the glacier. It would have saved him a lot of pain from hopping and crawling on his severely battered knee. I don’t understand how a man could have so much to push for; so much to try to look forward to, while everything is going wrong. It made me question how far the human body could be pushed, especially without food or water for three or four days in high altitude. I would have thought his body would deteriorate beyond the point of mobility. Joe somehow fought his way through numerous dilemmas that kept arising in his pathway to safety. His mind was surely much stronger than his body for him not to succumb to inevitable death. His own inner voice had driven him on despite a shattered knee which later turned into a mangled and perverse leg, while all the time climbing and crawling with badly frostbitten fingers. During all of this, monstrous storms took its toll on both climbers throwing at them spindrifts, avalanches and temperatures less than twenty below zero. For them to go on and try to survive, they needed much motivation supplied not only by the fear of the death or the bitter cold storms; they needed to get down the mountain for themselves, so they could be the ones to say, “We climbed the West Face successfully.”

I haven’t even began to apprehend how much thought Simon had put into cutting the rope. It had seemed that Simon had no other choice but to save his own life and cut away his handicapped climbing partner. I myself could not do this someone. If it meant taking the chance of indisputably dying, that’s what I would have to do. I, under no circumstances could have the weight on my shoulders of my friend’s death. At least that is what Simon thought; he was unaware that his actions wasn’t the reason Joe “supposedly” died. Simon had thought that it was his fault Joe was gone. Simon reasoned that it was because of him cutting the rope that Joe fatally fell to his death into the crevasse. I could not live with such a burden all of my life, especially after getting so far together, while being so close to the end. Simon had made the survivors decision and it was indeed a wise one. He had to make an instinctive decision on what the consequences were. There was no doubt that he would be killed. But with Joe’s “lucky fall” would Simon lie dead while Joe would have actually still survived? Could you imagine how Joe would have felt after his partner had done so much for him? Would Joe have kept going on or would he have been too discouraged for survival? Questions only Joe Simpson could answer, if those were the circumstances.

Climbers are remarkable for they go out and perform such crude tasks, to get in return, the feeling of accomplishment. I would actually like to climb a glacier, however, nothing of Siula Grande’s size, just for myself and my self-esteem. If you attain such a task, you feel unconquerable or maybe invincible. To feel as if you’re on top of the world, yet only several thousand feet high, is unimaginable. These climbers don’t do it to set footsteps where others haven’t gone. Although it may inspire them, they do it purely for the satisfaction of achieving their goals. To be able to tell a story that will leave people astonished and bewildered of what you’ve done in your life. Although many of them indubitably do it for the glamorous views of mountain ranges, these thrill seekers are undeniably some of the bravest men and women in the world.

Surprisingly, I’ve found that this novel has weaved its way into my life. Although it’s a simple way of doing so, I’ve found that it relates to my school work this semester. Taking on a heavy seventeen credit semester spending two days a week at school, thirty plus hours at work, while all the rest of my time goes into my online courses and homework, I’ve found it hard to go on this way. I partake of an extreme workload which I find really difficult to keep up with. Spending most of my free time doing school work, I don’t have much of a life and find it very grueling and strenuous to complete all my desired assignments and studies. I look at it differently now. I feel like if I can think positively of myself, and know I can accomplish it all mentally, than the physical part of my work isn’t as arduous as I would contemplate it to be. Balancing five college level classes with an almost full-time job to obtain the money for these classes is a struggle, although I now find it easier. Joe, a man who is practically immobile, can struggle and fight his way down a horrific glacier while falling into all of nature’s havoc. If he could do that, then obviously, I can simply keep up my ways of study and labor, in order to accomplish my goal and be more prosperous in the future with a well paid job.

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Mind that the sample papers like Touching the Void presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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