Friday, April 6, 2012

Attack of the Aliens

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Attack of the Aliens

Everyone sees life from a different perspective. Our different perspectives of life are the cause, and solution of many problems. Little children are well known for their different views of life. Looking at a VCR one might ask a child what they see. The response would usually not be the obvious. Most children would say that a VCR is a black (or whatever color) monster that eats videos, and later spits them out again. An alien would have much the same view as a little child, innocent yet imaginative; trying to explain something they don’t quite understand.

A Martian Sends a Postcard Home is, simply put, about an alien sending a postcard home to Mars. The alien does not know how to describe certain things, so it does its best by using symbolism, and imagery. Some of the imagery is easy to understand, like “time tied to the wrist” which is obviously a watch. Most of the symbolism of the poem is quite deep, and takes quite a bit of meditating to understand.

Lines 1-4 are spent describing a phone. The author personifies the phone into almost seeming human. The first couple of times I read this poem, I thought that the author was describing a baby. Lines 1 & say “If the ghost cries, they carry it to their lips and soothe it to sleep”. Originally I thought of a crying baby. When a baby cries, a mother will usually pick the child up and try to soothe it back to sleep by speaking kind words to it. The author, we find, is alluding to a phone and not a baby. When the phone (ghost) rings (cries), the occupant of the house will pick it up (carry it to their lips), and once done it will stop the ringing (soothe it back to sleep).

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Lines 5-0 were the most difficult for me to figure out. After contemplating the meaning of the lines for a long time, I personally came to the conclusion that the author was talking about fear. “Only the young are allowed to suffer openly” would be describing the fact that children are allowed to come to their parents when scared of the monsters, boogieman, or whatever. But, as adults, we are discouraged to share our fears with the rest of the world. “Adults go to a punishment room with water but nothing to eat.” This sounds kind of far fetched, but I believed this to be the idea of drinking knowledge. We can drink knowledge, but not eat it. The punishment room would be our mind. Most often, a person finds that they, themselves, are the hardest judges of themselves. “They lock the door and suffer the noises alone.” We already established that the room is inside the mind. So a person locks themselves in their mind, and does not let anyone share their pain. The noises would be voices in their head; something that must be suffered alone. “No one is exempt and everyone’s pain has a different smell.” I figured the Martian writing this could smell fear, just like a dog. Everyone’s fear has a different smell. The author of the poem, I later found out, was not writing about fear, but about going to the bathroom.

The last stanzas are written about dreams. We know this because they talk about night, and eyelids shut. How fitting to end the poem the same way that most of us end the day, with dreams.

This poem is my favorite because it felt like a compilation of riddles, in poem form, not something seen very often in poetry. It makes you stretch your mind until you understand, or until you think you understand.

The following is an additional riddle for this poem added by a student online. See if you can figure it out…

“A window makes it easy to write, to handle a special kind of television. A button is pressed to free the world for information.”

(http// /minstrels/poems/11/html)

Mind that the sample papers like Attack of the Aliens presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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