Sunday, April 8, 2012

What would Nietzsche find problematic about indubitable knowledge?

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Question #. What would Nietzsche find problematic about indubitable knowledge?

Descartes searched for indubitable knowledge because, in his mind, he needed a bedrock foundation to build his other theories upon. Nietzsche would have found that way of problem solving to be entirely inaccurate as well as a waste of time. Nietzsche thought there was no bedrock foundation to build ideas upon. He believed there was no method to learn things and there was no systematic way to learn the truth.

While Descartes liked to sit in front of a fireplace to think since he was a “thinking thing,” Nietzsche would tell him to get off his lazy butt and live. To Nietzsche there was no such thing as a systematic way of proving things, so there is no reason to sit down and do such a thing all day long. Nietzsche believed there were many truths. He thought there was no original pure thought like Descartes believed. Nietzsche would respond that original thought does not exist, and there are only interpretations.

Nietzsche would have further problems with Descartes’ methods because Nietzsche didn’t have a high opinion of philosophers in the first place. Nietzsche said philosophers simply want their thoughts to be justified by other people. A philosopher who teaches people his ideas was a sort of authority, which Nietzsche looked down upon. Nietzsche would say it would be a very “sheepish” thing for the masses to merely take what this person is saying as gospel.

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Also, Descartes wanted to know what was true for all humans, while Nietzsche didn’t bother trying to figure this out. Nietzsche would say there is probably nothing true for all people, there is only what is true for an individual. Descartes thought we all came from God so that is how we can all have he same truths. Nietzsche believed that we existed first and then we get our essence, unlike Descartes who believed the opposite to be true. Nietzsche also believed that God is dead so there was no essence we all came from. Nothing could be true for everyone because we are all unique.

Nietzsche said living is the only way to test theories. He would almost certainly have a problem with me writing a philosophy paper talking about theses theories. To Nietzsche how you live not what you know determines your life. It was a complete 180-degree turn around from Descartes.

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