Sunday, April 22, 2012

Downright Rude or just Different

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This article brings out a very interesting point which is, when does a person know if another person is being rude or if that person is simply raised or brought up that way? In other words, in different parts of the world, people and society act differently to one another.

In Britain or America, catching a bus or a plane is pretty easy, where as in other places such as China, or India it can be difficult. In Britain and America one would most likely wait in line to catch a bus or plane. In China or India, one will try to push, shove, and/or break through the group of people in order to make it on that bus or plane. Both of these scenarios are normal, relative to where they occur. If one would push or shove in Britain to catch the bus or plane, then the British would consider that person to be uncivil. But what if this person lived in India until he was forty and learned this type of behavior from his parents and grandparents, then would he be considered rude? That is where you draw the line.

What this article points out, is that different cultures have their own set of rules and standards, so blaming one person for something that would be wrong in your country, but ok in his/her country would be wrong. Therefore, when judging people, we being society must always take in consideration the religion, ethnicity, and culture of others. Another example this article gives is in the different sounds and volumes of cultures. In Latin America the volume outside is loud, and travelers from North America might think of this behavior as impolite or discourteous. On the other hand, in Mongolia the volume is at a whisper, which makes others feel discomforted maybe, as if the Mongolians are hiding something. So if you were to be extra loud in Mongolia, then the people might consider you to be very rude, because in this country a quiet society has evolved.

If I were to collide with a man in Morocco, and a man in England, what would be the probable outcomes for each incident? In Morocco, the man would most likely continue on his path, where as in England the man would be likely to apologize, and expect an apology from me in return. This type of action is assumed in England to avoid further awkwardness. In Morocco, even though the man didn’t apologize, it doesn’t mean that he is rude. At home, or with family this man will be very considerate in this part of the world. So it depends where you are in the world, because everywhere is in some way different, to the kind of treatment you will receive from society. This happens not really because of the government or laws there, but mostly because of the evolution of those cultures.

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I had an experience relative to this article when I was catching a plane with my brother and cousins to Las Vegas at the Burbank airport. We were already late and waiting in line, when a lady came out of her spot, went to the front of the line and cut a man that agreed to let her ahead of him. This lady was trying to catch the same flight that we were trying to catch, but instead of waiting in line like everyone else, she had to have it her way. From the peoples faces in the line I could see that I was not the only one irritated with this. This action is not normal in California, but then you begin to think was this woman from out of the country. She looked like a U.S. citizen to me, and that really ticked me off, because what she did was extremely rude in this part of the world. In this scenario, the lady that cut the line was in every way possible rude for what she did. Had she been from India or some other part of the world where this action is acceptable and reasonable, she then would have a legitimate reason for cutting to the front of the line.

The point of this article is to inform people to be careful when and how to judge society for their course of actions. And also, not to get tricked in telling apart the actual rude people in this world from the people that are born to follow different rules and act in different manners and respects. If a person is born in China for example and is raised to follow certain rules, than it is not fair to judge him/her disrespectfully somewhere else because he/she doesn’t know better anywhere else that follows a distinct sets of rules.

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