Monday, April 16, 2012

Public Hellhole or Private Paradise: School Choice Reveals All

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Will school choice significantly improve educational standards? This is the fundamental question in school choice policy debates. Are vouchers the solution or do they just compound the problem? Teachers unions believe school choice will destroy the public school system, a mainstay of government responsibility. Yet others argue that the failings of public education are the primary reason why certain groups are held back from advancing their place in society. Who is right? More importantly, whose interests will win out?

As American support for the public education system dwindles, many parents find the only place for their children to receive a quality education is in a private school. The areas that are most important to a private school are also the ones that seem to be lacking in public schools. These include safety, order, teaching the basics and challenging young minds.

Across the nation, public education systems continue to fail students; therefore many have chosen to attend private Catholic high schools to receive an education that will better prepare them for college. Overcrowded public high schools have been dealing with the problems of insufficient funding, large class sizes, students who simply refuse to learn and are disruptive.

Due to an increase in violent acts committed, many public high schools have instituted low level security measures to ensure the safety of students. The types of security found in these schools include closed campuses, controlled access to the school building and grounds, random drug and metal detector, banning certain types of clothing, and either full or part time security guards have been assigned. How can students be expected to learn and teachers educate in an environment like this?

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Bob McCormick is in second grade. He has two older brothers, Chris and Tom, who are both in High School. Although all three children would be better suited at a private school across town, due to tuition costs, they attend the public schools where most of the kids in their neighborhood attend. However, if the government adopted a system of vouchers, the economically deprived wouldnt be in this situation. Bob is not alone; he is one of the millions upon millions of poor families in America. Many of these families could use a better education.

During Bobs time in school hes witnessed approximately 100 fights, teachers being assaulted by students and numerous drug and weapons arrests. Many of these acts were merely boyish fights and left no lasting impression. One incident that has scarred him for life was when a student came to school with a five-inch knife and proceeded to stab an administrator in front of approximately seventy students. The victim recovered fully and the perpetrator, who at the time was fifteen, is now in jail. Is this the atmosphere that children should be placed in to receive the fundamental elements of education that will prepare them for high school and eventually college?

There is enough concern about the quality of education in public schools that many private schools have been bombarded with applications in recent years. The problems facing many public schools are non-existent at most private schools. They have no need to institute security measures because discipline is not a problem. Students know that the school board can expel anyone that hinders learning in the classroom. Disruptive and violent actions are taken seriously and are not tolerated under any circumstance.

Private schools across the nation have fewer disciplinary problems than public schools because they can be selective in whom they choose to accept into there institute. Those who apply truly want to learn and are willing to spend thousands of dollars a year to ensure that they receive the best education possible. With that money they dont expect to have to fear for their safety, or fear that they will not learn anything in class because one person is disruptive.

Choice-based reforms, such as vouchers and charter schools, depend on the idea that schools will have to satisfy parents to keep their customers. They provide parents with a portion of the public educational funding allotted for their child to attend school, and allow them to use those funds to attend the school of their choice. It gives them the fiscal authority to send their child to the educational institution that best suits their child, whether it is a religious or parochial school, another private school, or a neighborhood or magnet public school. If parents place a high priority on academics, then schools with strong academic programs will do well under school choice.

If parents want their children to learn disciplined work habits, then schools that teach such habits will thrive under school choice. If parents choose schools based on their sports programs, then schools emphasizing sports will succeed. These programs empower the family and, in so doing, infuse consumer accountability into the traditional public schools system. Shame on us for not realizing that there are parents in this country who today support vouchers not because they are enamored with private schools but because they want a choice for their children. (Kerry)

One benefit that is gained by implementing charter schools is that they help to restore a more civil society. Chester Finn from Policy Review states that charter schools not only reinvent education, but install long-lasting values in the minds of young students. He also states that they are the engine to a better society. Only through charter schools can society reach a new moral peak.

A second advantage with installing school choice programs is that it will close the socio-economic gap. This is proven by many that by helping out the economically deprived to find the school of their choice and aid them in any financial obligations, that those students will be less likely to be economically deprived due to a better education. In simpler terms, the poor become better educated and become professionals later on in life.

In Vermonts educational choice system, the town school board pays tuition for students to attend any public or approved private school that their parents choose. Here is how they deal with the tuition

The school board of a so-called tuition town is required by law to pay the full tuition charged by a public school. It must pay an independent school an amount equal to the average tuition charge of the states union high school districts ($5,0 in school year 1-4). If the tuition at the selected independent school is greater than this amount, the school district may pay the larger amount, but it is not required to do so. The parents must cover any difference. (McClaughry, -4)

Good News v. Milford is especially welcome news for supporters of school vouchers and government funding of faith-based organizations. A majority of the Court now affirms that when aid is offered to a broad range of groups or persons without regard to their religion there can be no violation of the separation of church and state. Saving the future of our country by educating our children should not be thought of as a Democratic or Republican idea. Indeed, those who ponder whether or not they should support school choice because it is a Republican or conservative initiative are missing the point that the future of our children is at stake. (Flake)

Vouchers hold the promise of elevating teaching to professional status, raising levels of student achievement, and restoring the confidence of the taxpaying public. If teachers do not embrace this idea, they should at least develop thoughtful arguments that show why the plan is unworkable. Until educators and their associations agrees that dissent is not only acceptable but encouraged, the public will continue to perceive education as just another in a long list of non-performing, over-bureaucratized, autocratic government programs that usurp individual liberty.

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