Monday, April 9, 2012

Feng Shui

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Feng Shui

For over 5000 years people in China have been using Feng Shui as a way to promote harmony in their lives. Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art and science of locating a sacred place on earth. The literal meaning of Feng Shui is ‘wind’ and ‘water’. The ancient Chinese people developed Feng Shui based on their spiritual view of the world.

During the th Century, in south west China a scholar by the name of Yang Yun Sung was inspired to try and compile the first systematic study of the harmony between the physical and natural environment. The idea of the balance of nature became the philosophy of Taoism. Priests of Taoism, who were both female and male discovered and developed Feng Shui geomancy. They did this through observation of landforms, river flows, animals, movement of planets and changing weather conditions. The forces of Chi energy and the negative Sha influences also play an important factor. Feng Shui concerns of the early Taoists was when to cultivate crops, how to irrigate with flooding rivers and where to construct buildings and tombs. Until the end of the 1th Century few Chinese people would consider doing any of these things, before consulting the opinion of a Feng Shui expert.

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Overleaf is a picture of a Lo P’an compass used in the art of Feng Shui, similar to the one we saw them using on the video. It is made up of two parts, a circular plate representing the heaven and a base plate symbolizing the earth. The circular disc has a magnetic needle in the middle of it surrounded by ring divisions. Every character and every degree engraved on the heaven dial are intricately and accurately designed, obscurely displaying the ancient secrets of Feng Shui. The number of rings on a Lo P’an can vary from as few as seven to 6, depending on which system it is designed for. Every ring embodies a specific theory of Feng Shui. The Lo P’an can help the Feng Shui practitioner to measure, locate, calculate and even predict the natural earth energies in a particular area. From this they can determine what they need to do to balance up the powers of the five elements and yin and yang.

Today Feng Shui is widely used not only in Asia, but in the Western world as well. Its application ranges from planning entire cities and empires to simply placing a guest at the dinner table or furnishing a room in a house. As we have seen already, people in China have a very strong belief in the power of complimentary opposition. Thus Feng Shui is a mixture of Yin Yang, the five elements, Taoist hygiene and other scientific ideas.

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