Friday, April 20, 2012

St. Thomas Aquinas

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Aquinas’ five proof for the Existence of God

St. Thomas Aquinas uses five ways to explain the existence of God. Each of these proofs weighs heavily on Aristotle and other later philosophers whose roots are in Judaism and Arabian countries. Each of his proofs relies on motion or a source of action. The way Aquinas approaches each is based on the principle that an infinite amount of cause could never happen. So lets look at each proof individually.

Aristotle states that motion is any change from a potential state to an actual state. To say that each potential can act as an agent to each to become an actual is impossible because that would lead to infinite actualizing. There has to be a set starting point, beginning, or the Unmoved Mover. This Unmoved Mover is the cause of all the actualizing in the world. Just as if a person walked into a room and saw three balls tied to some string attached to a pole and they are moving. Even for all eternity the balls are moving they still need a cause for them to move.

Each event in nature is caused by another event and so on and so forth. There could not be an infinite number of causes because there is no account for each cause. Just as if a link of a chain was hanging on to another and that was on another and so forth until ultimately the last link was being supported by something that does need support. Without a self-supporting thing then the chain could not be supported. The self-supporter of the world is God.

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In nature things come into existence or pass out and each is possible to happen. If something does not exist it has to depend on something that already exists. There could never be an infinite number of possibilities that depend on something else. So there is something that exists by its own support and can convey existence to everything else. That being is God. Just as if there where a infinite number of mirrors and one reflected light to another. The light is passed through each mirror to the next. But what is the cause of the light. Of course it is a flashlight, which is outside of the system of mirrors and enters the picture. This shows that when you leave the system you enter a whole new reality.

There are different degrees of perfection. This, intern, allows different degrees of values and imply the existence of a perfect source. Just as when a person sees the light of the moon, they understand that it is caused by, and diminished some, the reflection from the sun. So, if a person reflects different degrees of good then they are ultimately participating in the full manifestation of being perfect which is God. God is the realization of all perfections.

The design of the world is by an intelligent architect. Since most of the natural world is blind and unintelligent, how can it be so orderly and achieve purposeful ends? An end cannot exist or direct itself. The only way it is realized is in the mind of the architect, which is God.

I agree with Aquinas on his proofs that God exists. Each of his proofs makes sense and gives a deeper understanding on how God exists. Also his proofs use the Aristolian philosophies in the correct manner. By utilizing those philosophies, he was able to strengthen Christian thought. Without Aquinas’ proofs, the world would be at a terrible loss for it was him that gave reason to faith. In each proof, the illustrations paint a marvelous picture to help explain just how God exists. The only question that I am left with is what did Aquinas see while performing mass and why he did not write about it. Other than that, I drew so much from him.

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