Saturday, April 7, 2012

Abuse of human rights

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Brianne Miller

Mr. Kauffman-DBQ

Despite the horrors of the Holocaust, abuses of human rights have continued in the post World War II era. There are many atrocities that continued, however there have also been efforts to stop these abuses.

Document 1 demonstrates the pass-system of apartheid in Africa. The pass-system was a system established by the English, where only the Native Americans had to carry a pass around with them in case they were stopped and checked by the English Police. This “pass-system” violated human rights because only blacks were subject to this system. If they were caught without a pass with them, they would be arrested. This was unfair to the blacks and violated their rights.

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Document 4 also states examples of how human rights were still being violated in the post World War II era. Document 4 is an article entitled “The Killing of Cambodia” published in 18. It states that education and religious practices were not allowed. This violated the human right to freely practice religion and education. This article also states that families were broken apart in Cambodia, which is also another violation of human rights.

A genocide in Rwanda violated human rights as well. Document 6 states that 500,000 people were carried out in the spring of 14 in Rwanda. Thousands of Africans were raped, tortured and beaten. The international community did not do anything about these human rights that were being violated. The United Nations took action and got involved to get rid of these abuses of human rights. However, rationalizing prosecutions seemed impossible since Rwanda’s justice system had been destroyed.

Although many woman’s rights were violated post WWII, efforts were also taken to end these violations. Document states actions that were taken to end apartheid. For example, in 17, the United Nation General Assembly declares apartheid a crime against Humanity. Also in 10, Nelson Mandela is released from prison and legal end of segregation in public places occurred.

Document 8 also identifies actions taken by Amnesty International to protect human rights. For example, publicize the cases of prisoners of Conscince or persons who have otherwise been subjected to disabilities in violation of the provisions. Document 8 also states how the statue of Amnesty International will now investigate and publicize the disappearance of persons where there is reason to believe they may be victims of violations of the rights set out in Article 1. These are only a few examples of steps taken to correct the violations of human rights.

There were many examples of human rights abuses in the post-WWII era, such as apartheid in South Africa, segregation, racism, and much more. However, many steps were taken to end such atrocities in order to stop the violations of human rights and create all men equal.

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